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The State-Capacity and Its Transformation from Development to Managerial: The Case of Republic of China on Taiwan



東亞新興工業化國家的經濟發展成就吸引學術界研究興趣事多數研究多肯定國家機關(state)積極介入的效果,這些國家被冠以「發展性國家」(developmental state)的美譽。然而,自一九九○年代始,東亞地區的國家經濟發展進入一新的里程,國家機關不再高度介入經濟發展,私部門在國家機關的政策性扶持、培育下,已成長茁壯,遂取代政府角色,並成為主導國家發展軌跡的主要動力來源會這些變遷都影響「國家職能」(state capacity)轉變。當台灣是東亞新興工業化國家之一,從台灣國家角色的轉變並塑造新的國家職能可以解釋多數的後工業化國家職能變遷。本研究以台灣為個案研究會探討台灣國家職能自強勢到弱勢的轉變過程會這過程並非說明了政府角色從此不重要實而是指出了政府應從「發展性國家」轉化為「管理性國家」。所謂「管理性」國家充分表現在政府發展歷程以從「不平衡發展策略」(imbalanced development strategy)轉變為「平衡的發展策略」(balanced development strategy)。本研究主要包括三大部份:第一部份重新檢討國家理論及其對國家經濟發展的新角色,第二部份探討台灣經濟發展帶動政治發展的歷程會並進一步深化經濟自由化、國際化與政治民主化歷程中會台灣的國家職能遂無可避免的從「發展性」轉變為「管理性」的過程。第三部份著重在「如何」轉變,並以實證實例檢視國家職能轉變的動態性。本研究的結論可以推論到多數工業後進國家的發展歷程實未來可朝理論化(theorizing)方向持續研究,並建構一「管理性國家」研究典範(managerial state paradigm)。


The states of East Asian Newly Industrailizing Countries (NICs) have played a significant role in accelerating economic growth . The states have not only modernized agriculture but also fostered industrialization (Wade 1990; Cheng 1990; Gold 1986; Evans 1992). The states of NICs which are able to bring about economic miracle are called developmental states (Wade 1990; Evans 1992).However, experiences during J990s undercut the state's image as the preeminent change agent. The states began to appear as the impotent apparatus. by the beginning of the 1990s, a second wave of thinking on the role of the state was beginning to emerge and reevaluate the role of the state and state capacity in dealing with economic development.Developmental state of NICs spawns two contradictions and limits inherent in the developmental states, revealing contradiction of institution and contradiction of autonomy in the state which weaken the state power in steering economic structural changes(Kim 1993: 231-231). Scholars began to argue that the state would become a weak state which would no longer to steer structural change of economy. As matter of fact, the state has not lost itself, but rather transform itself from the developmental into managerial in response to the growth of private sector and to new development agendas.


Guerrero, C. A. V. (2014). 台灣實現產業競爭力應用的策略分析(1980-2000): 借鏡厄瓜多爾為例 [master's thesis, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00539
