  • 期刊


The Role and Status of National Human Rights Commission


本文從國家人權委員會倡議設立之緣起,首先引述「巴黎原則」制定之由來及各國立法設立現況;繼就國內民間與官方推動立法之經過,相關機關及輿論之反應,民間推動單位與監察院間之互動與論述,以及總統府人權諮詢小組之運作與整合加以敘述,俾瞭解國家人權委員會初設之困難與各界用心斧鑿所留下的痕跡與腳印。 欲瞭解規劃中「國家人權委員會」的角色及地位,除從其被安置所屬單位觀察外,宜另從其所掌理之職權加以檢視。故比較民間與官方版本之內容,或對照官方行政院「人權保障推動小組」與總統府「人權諮詢小組」原始規劃職掌之差異性,當可知其間有憲法定位及國家體制之爭執點。但如何符合「巴黎原則」所楬櫫之「有效」及「獨立」原則,當是論述「國家人權委員會的角色與地位」最基本核心問題。


This paper states the origin of establishing the National Human Rights Commission. It starts from the initiation of ”Paris Principles” and the status quo of different countries in designing national human rights commission. Then, it further illustrates how the ROC private and governmental sectors push the commission to legislate, what public and related authorities' reaction to the issue, how promoting organizations interact with the Control Yuan, and how the Human Rights Advisory Group under the office of the President operates and integrates related resources. In this way, readers hopefully understand how hard it was in the beginning that established the National Human Rights Commission. To know the role and status of the proposed National Human Rights Commission, we can review from its subordinating agents and its functions. We can compare the differences of legal context made by private sector and governmental offices or the differences of proposed functions between Human Rights Protection and Promotion Committe subordinated to the Executive Yuan and Human Rights Advisory Group subordinated to the office of the President. In this way, we can see through the conflict between its constitutional position and authority system. However, the core issue of this paper is to express how the organization fits to the rule of validity and independence explored in the Paris Principles.


徐金基(2004)。客家鄉鎮市發展與臺灣公路交通之關係 --以臺灣北部桃竹苗地區為探討中心〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2004.02258
