  • 學位論文


The Hakka Political Elites and the Constitutional Development in Taiwan(1945∼2008)

指導教授 : 邱榮舉


長久以來,臺灣第二大族群客家族群,不論是語言、文化、族群等權益,皆未受到應有的重視與關照,客家族群與臺灣政治發展之關連,經常被忽視,甚至遭受曲解。事實上,客家族群不但是辛勤的開墾先鋒者,客家政治菁英對臺灣憲政發展更有著不可磨滅的影響力。 因此,本文以歷史制度主義(historical institutionalism)為研究途徑,運用文獻分析法、觀察法,關切憲政發展過程與具體的時空脈絡性,探討範圍為1945至2008年期間的戰後臺灣,以臺灣客家政治菁英為研究對象,以憲政發展為研究重心與分析縱軸,預設臺灣客家政治菁英在憲政發展過程中,有其一定的政治角色與政治行動。主要研究問題有三:1.戰後臺灣採同化政策或多元文化政策,對臺灣客家發展有何重大影響?2.戰後臺灣憲政發展過程中,客家政治菁英扮演的角色、主張及行動為何?獲得何種成果?3.客家政治菁英參與戰後臺灣憲政發展過程中,可供後人取法者為何? 經過對憲政發展過程的詳實檢視,並藉由客家政治菁英與憲政發展相關檔案、資料之耙梳與分析後,本文主要研究發現為:1.戰後臺灣憲政發展受到歷史結構與既有制度制約。2.制度變遷的結構性壓力∼國內外環境的變化,影響政治精英之改革行動。3.客家政治菁英在戰後臺灣憲政發展過程中扮演著重要角色。4.戰後臺灣憲政發展歷程中所採取之族群政策對臺灣客家發展之影響深遠。5.客家政治菁英跨黨派合作爭取客家主體性之建立,可供後人取法。


客家 政治菁英 憲政發展


For a long time, the second greatest racial group, Hakka ethnic group, has not earned much concern and respect in history in terms of language, culture and ethnicism. The close relationship between Hakka ethnic group and the political development in Taiwan has been ignored or distorted. Actually, Hakka political elites have been diligent and influential pioneers in persuading Government to enact constitution. They have had great impact on Taiwan’s constitutional development. This study adopts historical institutionalism as research approach. This study investigates the political situations and changes during 1945 and 2008 by way of analyzing documents, observing, tighter with attending to the processes and the timetables. The subjects of this study include all the Hakka political elites during the above designated period of time. It is assumed that those elites play important roles in the political movements. Three research questions are to be addressed: (1) What influence has the policy of assimilation or the policy of multi-culture coexistence had on the development of Hakka clan and culture? (2) What role, assertion and action have the Hakka elites played, challenged and taken? (3) Among those Hakka elites, who has had contributed the most to the constitutional development of Taiwan? After scrutinizing the developmental processes of constitution, analyzing the related documents and references, this study illustrates that (1) The constitutional development was restrained by the historical structures and existing policies. (2) The constitutional reconstruction was affected by the structural pressure of system changes and national and international environments. (3) Hakka political elites played important roles on constitutional development. (4) The ethnic policy influenced significantly on the development of Hakka culture. (5) The way Hakka political elites negotiated with the other political parties for initiating Hakka as a group set a good example for younger generation to follow.


行政院客家委員會,《2002 全球客家文化會議實錄》,臺北:行政院客家委員會,
──── ,《第五、六次修憲之研究》,臺北:行政院國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,


