  • 學位論文


On the Institutions and Practices of Hakka Rights in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃錦堂


臺灣客家族群在人數上雖居全臺第二大族群,但在其他強勢族群文化的長期同化下,正面臨認同薄弱、文化斷層及語言流失等危機。隨著1980年代臺灣民主化及本土化的開展,族群議題遽然浮現,有識之士鑑於客家族群久受忽視,遂發起一波波運動,訴求族群權利。 以1988年底的「還我母語」大遊行為開端,臺灣客家族群於焉展開三階段的客家運動。凜於客家「關鍵少數」的選票力量,朝野無不以客家政見積極回應客家族群的權利訴求,並促使行政院客家委員會於2001年6月成立,自此客家運動由民間訴求進展到政府推動。2010年1月《客家基本法》更獲頒施行,不僅表彰著國家肯認客家族群的地位及其對臺灣多元文化的貢獻,且進一步將客家族群的權利保障落實為國家的法律建制。 本文即以《客家基本法》的頒行為契機,由Kymlicka的「自由主義多元文化論」出發,環顧國際上對於少數族群權利保障的規約,以對照當前臺灣客家族群權利在制度面與實踐面的實證狀況,從而驗證我國憲法以下的實定法及其相關政策的不足。再者,《客家基本法》做為一項公共政策,其可行性如何?其被賦予的「優惠性公平待遇」合乎憲法的「平等原則」否?倘與原住民族的權利訴求比較,兩者在本質及內涵上有何異同?凡此均為本文關懷的焦點。 最後,本文嘗試就臺灣客家族群權利的當前之不足及未來之展望,提出一些建議與策略,並冀圖指出下一階段臺灣客家運動的訴求主軸,而期以人才的繼起與培育作結。


Although being the second-largest ethnic group in Taiwan, the Hakka is facing crisis of self-identity, cultural interruption and language shift. With the development of democratization and localization beginning at 1980s, ethnic issues emerge suddenly. In light of the fact that the Hakka has been long neglected, those who have insights launched waves of movement in order to fight for their rights. Taiwan's Hakka people commenced a three-phase Hakka movement with the "return my mother tongue" parade in 1988 as a beginning. Seeing Hakka as "critical minority" in political arena, the government and the public all positively response to the Hakka's appeal of rights. In such an atmosphere, Council for Hakka Affairs, the Executive Yuan was established in June 2001, and the promotion of Hakka movement became an issue that government seriously concerns. The fact that promulgation of "Hakka Basic Act" in January 2010 not only recognizes the Hakka's status and its contribution to cultural diversity in Taiwan, but also demonstrates government's determination to put the Hakka rights under the protection of national legal establishment. In light of the fact that the promulgation of "Hakka Basic Act" is a mile stone for Hakka movement, this research, based on Kymlicka's "Liberal multiculturalism", aims to compare today's international protection of minority rights with Taiwan's current Hakka policies and their practices, for the purpose of demonstrating the lack of Constitution, statutory laws and related policies towards the Hakka. Furthermore, it also puts the emphasis on examine the feasibility of "Hakka Basic Act", whether "affirmative action" given to the Hakka by the law conforms to constitutional "equal principle", and comparing the differences of right demands between the Hakka and aboriginal people. Lastly, this research attempts to propose some suggestions and strategies on promoting the Hakka rights and future prospects, so as to identify the themes of next phase's Taiwan Hakka movement, and thus to cultivate more Hakka talents in the future.




