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A Study of Digital-Democracy and E-Voting-The Experience of Practical Process in Taiwan



隨著資訊社會的來臨,當代的社會有了許多的轉變;其中之一,即是公共服務傳遞的模式。今日,許多政府藉由網際網路等新科技來提供服務,而這些電子化的科技,也無可避免的影響了公部門組織的結構、文化,及管理等面向。 根據調查,台灣的政府網站在世界196個國家中排名居於領先之位置,此也突顯出了台灣在發展電子化政府及數位民主此一議題研究上之重要性。近年來,關於「電子投票」之議題,尤其在電子投票技術發展的部分,在台灣逐漸的受到了重視。值得注意的是,「數位民主」乃是電子投票發展之核心。因此,本文首先將探討電子化政府的背景、數位民主的意涵,以及電子投票的發展;其次並將介紹、比較英國與美國之經驗,最後將分析探討台灣目前實踐之現況,及提出相關之建議。


Our society has undergone several transformations by the coming of information age, and one of which is the public service delivery. Nowadays, many governments provide services such as Internet, BBS, or IC cards by new technologies. These e-techs will inevitably propel the mutation in organization structure, culture, management, and so on. According to a investigation of performance priority of central government's web sites in 2001, Taiwan was ranked the second highest among 196 countries. The investigation makes the experience of e-government and digital-democracy in Taiwan more conspicuous. Taiwan, recently, is stepping into the practice level on which the value of digital-democracy will be examined, and e-voting will be developed. Therefore, some points will be discussed in this paper: first, the formation of e-government, digital-democracy, and e-voting; second, the case of e-voting of the USA and UK; and finally, the comparison of these two cases, and the enlightenments and implications to Taiwan.
