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Research of management and conservation of Qiangtang pond: Leagl point of view




埤塘 保育 明智利用 跨域 法制


Ponds are unique as well as artificial landscapes. In recent years, under the goal of building "non-nuclear homes" by 2025, the government has actively promoted solar power generation in unfavorable farming areas, ponds, fishing rods, and wetlands. The Qiangtang pond has the functions of not only flood discharge, water storage, irrigation, sightseeing, and leisure but also solar energy production, thanks to the central government's promotion of green energy policy. However, this move has been questioned by environmental experts. It is believed that solar photovoltaics destroy the Qiangtang pond and seriously endanger the local environment and ecology. The use of the pond is different because of the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction. The ponds that belong to the water conservancy association are primarily used for agricultural irrigation or double farming; another use is ecological conservation; the other is the balance of storage; and last, the ponds are used for cultural landscape and leisure. Recreational; and disaster prevention and detention and other purposes such as providing water for industrial use, fire water or other emergency water. Therefore, the management of the Qiangtang pond involves multiple stakeholders. This study examines the regulations and plans for the management and conservation of the Qiangtang pond from the perspective of governance, including the definition of Qiangtang, related research, and the law before and after the implementation of the Wetland Conservation Law.


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