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Remote Sensing Images to Interpret the Effects of Land Use Changes on Ecosystem Services of Pond in Taoyuan Area




According to the 2011 Taiwan's Wetland of Importance, ponds in Taoyuan are among the important wetlands in the country. Due to recent industrial transformation, the Taoyuan area urgently needs a lot of prepared land, (reducing OR decreasing OR lowering) the pond area and thus affecting the supply of surrounding ecosystem services. This (study OR work OR investigation) analyzes the current land use around the pond from 1999 to 2018 using Landsat 7 satellite imagery; discusses the dynamic changes in land use around the pond, and conducts a comprehensive ecosystem service assessment using InVEST. Analytical results (indicate OR reveal OR show OR demonstrate) that the pond ecosystem services of each region have affected the three ecosystem services of habitat quality, water production and land loss differently over the past 20 years, depending on the change of land use, whether to planting and built-up areas. [OK? Check meaning] The mode and degree of development also vary.


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