  • 期刊


The Development and Perspectives of Broadband Wireless Communications Technology


本計畫參酌國際通訊技術發展趨勢與台灣通訊產業發展現況,以ITU-R IMT-Advanced所定義的4G需求-高傳輸率(High Data Rate)、高移動性(High Mobility)及多重接取IP匯流(Multi-access IP Convergence)為技術發展主軸,進行相關技術研發。其項下規劃三個分項,分別為NGN通訊系統軟體技術、寬頻行動接取技術及車輛專屬寬頻無線通訊技術。期能厚植國內寬頻接取、智慧行動終端與數位匯流網路平台關鍵技術能量;並藉由國際通訊標準標組織參與標準制定,由過往標準的跟隨者轉變為標準制定的參與者,建立我國通訊產業技術能量與智財權,提升產業的競爭力。本計畫由於全體計畫成員的努力,績效優異,分別獲得FY96經濟部科專成果表揚「技術成就獎」與FY97工研院「傑出研究獎金牌獎」的肯定。


This project addresses the trend of global wireless communication development as well as the status of Taiwan communication industry while commiting to advanced technology research. The main research focuses are based on the definition of 4G requirements defined by ITU-R IMT-Advanced, which features high transmission data rate, high mobility and multi-access IP convergence technology. The project is divided into three main areas, namely Next Generation Network Communication Software Technology, Broadband Mobile Access Technology and Dedicated Vehicle Broadband Wireless Communication Technology, and is aimed to enhance our domestic industry's competitiveness in Broadband Access, Intelligent Mobile Device and Digital Convergence Network Platforms. Furthermore, by participating in the international standardization processes and establishing leading standards, Taiwan can transform from a standard-follower to a standard-producer (initiator) and our goal is to enhance the competitiveness of Taiwan ICT industry by establishing core technology ability and intellectual property right. Through our team's dedication and hard-work, this project has received numerous recognition awards, including FY96 Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) <||>Technology Achievement Award<||> and FY97 ITRI Gold Medal of <||>Outstanding Research Award<||>.
