  • 期刊


An Investigation of the Three Junior High School Students' Performance in Participating the Inquiry Oriented Chemistry Projects Activities-Three Case Studies


本研究的目的是希望籍由國中學生在參與化學專題活動(學習與獨立專題探究)中,探索個案的學習風格所表現出偏好方式,進而分析個案在學習探究能力時的表現與影響其表現之癥結,最後歸納個案在四個獨立專題探究中表現的探究風格類型。 從個案的資料分析、歸納與比較後,發現參與學生在化學專題研習中的表現,有下列之特性: 一.學習風格方面 學生之學習風格類型計有整體理解發展型,逐步操作發展型,隨機應變統合型。 二.探究能力方面 學生的探究能力的表現與所遇困難不盡相同。其中有些能力較不容易經由短暫學習養成,另有些能力則能經由學習使學生層的瞭解並知道正確的應用。 三.探究風格方面 學生之探究風格類型分別爲:低階問題解決者,高階問題總結學生參與化學專題研習中的表現:探究風格在化學獨立專題研究中(最高層次的實驗活動)才會表現出來;而探究能力的養成與他們穩定、不同的學習風格特質會影響學生在獨立專題探究中的表現。




The Purpose of this study is to find out the students' favorite learning styles, then to analyze the students' characteristics showed in the studying abilities and crux of the problem, finally, to induce the students' inquiry types during their participation of half year incuiry oriented chemistry projects. This study uses qualitative methods to proceed case analyses and comparisions. The investigation period starting from sample selecting to finish case studies took two and halfyears. The whole study process was divided into five stages, starting from training students to do investigative activities to carry out four independent chemistry pro iects. Instruments used were tape recorders, cameras, fieidnotos and paper-pencil tests. Data consist of formal and informal interviews, observations, and collecting students' iabreports. The analytical methods were analytic induction, constant comparision and typologies analysis. Findings of this study indicated that three kinds of characteristics influence the students' performance in participating the inquiry oriented chemistry projects .These are: 1.In the aspect of the student's learning sytle: The personality and mental characteristic of the three individual cases may influence their mental actions such as consciousness, memory, thinking etc. It showed very stable and different features on their learning process and strategy, including learning strategy 1.ability levels ,cognitive styles, learning domains, apprehension levels and personalities. According to their learning style it can be divided as follows: Holistic comprehension; Serialistic operation, and Versatile and integration type. 2.In the aspect of the student's ability of inquiry The research found that the three students had different characteristic and cruxes of their problem in their inquiry ability (science process skills scientific inquiry induction process, knowledge of chemistry, basic technical ability in the chemical experiment and laboratory safety). Some of above abilities were difficult to cultivate. However, some of students can learn quicker than other in applying learned chemistry knowledge into practice. 3.In the aspect of the student's inquiry style' The students who have different learning styles and inquiry ability will have different performance in finding the probiems, hypothesis experimental processes, inquiring result, and in performancing on scientific inquiring process. The three students can be categorized as low level problem solver, high level problem identifier, high level problem solver. These inquiry styles can only be identified in the independent chemistry project activities (the highest level of experimental activities). Suggestions of the implications of this stud are also included.


