  • 期刊


A Case Study of Beginning Physical Science Teachers


本研究的主要目的在於探討三位初任物理教師的教學凖備情形,並參照其實際的教學表現,以瞭解初任教師所持的行動理論及其彼此間的差異。爲達成上述目的,本研究採用質的研究進行資料的收集與分析,並採用三角交叉法,仔細分析由晤談、教室觀察記錄及問卷等資源來源所收集的數據,期能深入瞭解初任教師行動理論及其與實際課室教學的關聯。 研究結果發現,初任教師教學前的凖備,在教材的選取上,以教科書及昇學用參考書爲主要教學材料。在教學進度的規劃,主要是依據學校所安排上課進度。教學方式則以自己在中學或大學教師的授課方式爲 要師模對象。至於實驗室教學前的凖備情形,初任教師會先檢視是否有適用的實驗哭材,倘若時間較充襝,亦能先親自動手做實驗以瞭解可能遭遇的問題。 初任教師的實際教學過程,則以教師的講解爲主,並且補充與授課內容有關的課外知識,初任教師並經常讓學生實際演練題目以瞭解學生是否已聽懂授課的內容。在問卷策略的使用上,主要採用「一問一答」的方式。整體而言,初任教師共有的行動理論內涵是僅收斂於“理論的”層次,其實踐的程度卻有相當程度的不同,這也足以說明初任教師之間呈現了若幹異質的行動理論。




This study was carried out to investigate the teaching planning of three beginning physics teachers and, on the basis of their actual teaching, to learn their theories of action. Qualitative research was the main approach used to collect and analyses the data. In addition, to ascertain the connotation of the theories of action adopted by these teachers, such devices as triangulation, check-interviews, records of classroom observation, and questionnaires all served as the reinforcement of the data in this study. The results indicated that, when the beginning teachers were planning their teaching, they tended: 1. to select the teaching materials from the textbook and reference books used to help students prepare for the entrance examinations, 2. to arrange their teaching progress according to the schedule of the school, and 3. to be subjected to the ways of teaching in which they had been taught in high school or universities. In the meantime, the beginning teachers would check the laboratory equipments to make sure that they were sufficient in number before teaching in the laboratory. To see problems which would probably occur in class, the beginning teachers would perform the experiments beforehand as long as they had enough time. The actual teaching of the beginning teachers was lecture-centered, and relevant knowledge outside the textbooks was also supplied to enrich the teaching materials. Besides, in order to determine if the students have absorbed what was taught in the class, the teachers would require them to do exercises in class. The predominant question-answer strategy used by them was ”teacher asks one question and students reply one answer”. In general, the beginning teachers' theories of action were convergent and applied differently in degree. On the other hand, certain differences, relation closely with their actual teaching, were found between the theories of action adopted by these teachers.




