  • 期刊


A Comparison of Using Problem-Centered Mathematical Teaching Strategies in Gifted and Normal Classes


本研究目的在探討「以問題為中心」的教學策略在不同性質的班級(即,資優班和普通班)實施,教師可能透過到的問題,解決問題的策略,以及學生的需求。同一位數學教師同樣採用「以問題為中心」教學策略分別在一班資優班和一班普通班進行數學課的教學實驗。 本研究採質的研究法。在一學期的教學實驗裡,分別進行了三十九次的教室觀察,三次的教師晤談,五次每兩週一次的定期討論,以及訪談了十一名學生。資料收集包含教室觀察的場記,教學與晤談轉錄,以及相關之文件。資料經內容分析,恒常比較,並從任務、小組、和表達與分享三方面,對資優班和普通班進行比較。 結果發現,在任務方面,實驗教師最大的困難是任務的選取和設計。教學資源缺乏,和學校重視考試成績,使得教師在任務的選取和設計上困難重重。資優班和普通班對於任務的難易度和任務呈現的方式有不同的需要。在小組方面,實驗教師對資優班有延遲進行小組活動的現象,因為她擔心教室秩序會失控。反之,在普通班則駕輕就熱。資優班傾向尋找能合作與討論的對象分組;普通班學生則傾向S型分組以期獲得成績較優學生的幫助。普通班比資優班較熱衷於組間的分數競爭。在表達與分享方面,資優班比普通班學生較能表達,校能分享別人的意見和觀點,也較具有智力自主性;相對的,普通班學生表達能力較弱,分享需要較低“他們只要有一個答案即可滿足;而且需要教師對其發言不論對錯均給予適當的回饋。 綜合言之,在不同性質班級實施「以問題為中心」的教學時,在任務,小組、和表達與分享上,不同的學生有不同的需要。教師需要調整教學實施的方式和技巧以滿足學生不同的需要。




This study was about a teacher who used problem-centered teaching strategies in two differnt classes (i.e., gifted and normal) of a junior-high school. The purpose of this study was to investigate what problems the teacher had, what solutions the teacher came up with, and what needs in task, Lgrouping, and sharing of thetwo different kinds of classes. The study used qualitative method and took 17 weeks in classroom observations, interviews (3 times for the teacher and one time for 11 students) and 5 periodic discussions. By using constant comparison and triangulation to analyze the data of the study, we have the following findings: In task, the most difficult thing the teacher had was to choose and design the right task for small group discussion. Due to lacking in teaching resources, emphasizing examination grades in school and different needs in task, which made the teacher had the difficulty in choosing and designing the task. Also, the two different kinds of students showed different needs in task. In grouping, the gifted students have classroom disorder problem because the teacher didn’t make the rules in class when first grouping. At normal class, the teacher emphasized competition in different groups, it was not the same as cooperation what problem-centered teaching strategies emphasized. The two different kinds of students had different needs in grouping and cooperating ways. The gifted students believed they could discuss more thoroughly by finding their partners under good class order. The normal students believed S-type grouping was easier to get help from good students. The gifted students needed more diffcult task to make them cooperate, and the normal students needed competition to make them cooperate. In sharing, the teacher had problem about the culture of two different kinds of students'. The gifted students could not be satified with a single answer. They preferred to have a chance to express multiple answers. The normal students were not good at expressing. They could be satisfied with a single answer, but they needed the suitable feedback of whether the answer was right or wrong.


