  • 期刊


Using Teaching Resource Database to Promote Intern Physical Science Teachers' Cooperation


實習教育是師資培育非常重要的一個環節,因而師資培育機構如何輔導與支持分散在各地學校實習之實習教師,也一直是師資培育很重要的一個研究的課題。網路的發展提供一個能超越時空限制和培養學習社群的重要工具,本研究即在探討彰化師大物理系所建構之「理化教學資庫」系統在支援國中理化實習教師進行合作學習的成效,參與研究的樣本包括50位實習理化教師以及他們所任教班級的學生。 研究的結果發現: (l)多數的實習教師認同運用「理化教學資庫」可獲得教學上的相關資訊、有助於促進理化教師問的合作;及有助於聯絡成情、分享教學經驗、教案交流、教學反省、激勵士氣、發問解惑等,並願意在未來的教學中持續使用該系統。(2)使用「理化教學資源庫」頻率較高的實習教師,其所營造的課室環境在「同學問的互助合作」、「教學活動的多元化」、「學生對理化課的喜愛程度」三個向度上之統計結果皆高於使用頻率較低的實習教師;至於造成這些差異的原因,由研究結果發現:經常使用該系統的教師透過與同儕問的互助合作可以交換彼此的教學心得、獲得更豐富的教學資源,及獲得精神上的支持等。這種合作的精神亦會被這類教師帶入課室教學中,因而能夠在教學中提供更多元化的活動引導學生,並鼓勵學生以合作的方式學習理化,其影響則是提高了學生學習理化的興趣。




ntern practice is a very important part of teacher preparation. And how the university can help and support their student teachers who are scattered on different school is always a big issue for teacher education program. The fast development of Internet provide a crusiual answer to solve the constraint of time and distance, and a tool to cultivate learning community for teacher education. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Physical Science Teaching Resource Database System, developed by the Department of Physics, National Chunghua University of Education to support their student teachers to use cooperative learning to teach physical science class. Subject includes 50 intern physical science teachers and students in their class. The results of this study include: 1) Most of the intern physical science teachers feel that the Teaching Resource Database System is helpful to share experiences, to cooperate, and to obtain support from the other. They also expressed that they would like to continue to use the database system. 2) A questionnaire for measuring the classroom environment on three dimensions, including cooperation among students, diversity of teaching activity, and student’s attitude toward physical science, was developed. Based on students’ reaction, the results indicate that, on all of the three dimensions, the classroom environment constructed by intern teachers who have used the database more frequently are significantly better than those who have used the database less frequently. 3) The results of interview also imply that, when intern physical teachers have more successful experiences of cooperating and sharing with other teachers through internet and the database, they tend to use more diverse teaching activities and to be more effective in encouraging their students to cooperate, and then helping their students to develop more positive attitude toward physical science.


