



The use of hormone, especially progestin, in the management of an early-stage endometrial cancer is acceptable in the young women, although it is not a standard therapy. Before the use of conservative therapy in these patients, many criteria should be fulfilled, including a well-trained team, the oncologic risk, appropriate candidates, type of hormone use, response rate of hormonal therapy, appropriate surveillance, additional counseling for anxiety about relapse and metastasis, distress about side-effects, advice of the family, advice of the medical staff, and economic burden. For those patients with advanced or recurrent endometrial cancers, therapeutic effectiveness is not satisfactory, but the use of progestin with/without tamoxifen could be considered, based on the minimal side effects of these treatments. A further better understanding of mechanism of hormones on endometrial cancers might increase the effects of hormones on endometrial cancers.


endometrial cancer hormone therapy
