  • 期刊


Clinical Analysis of Bad Habits in Patients with Oral Cavity Cancer


背景:口腔癌患者大多有吸菸、飲酒或嚼檳榔之不良嗜好,許多文獻也都證實菸、酒、檳榔與口腔癌之發生有極大相關性。本篇主要針對只經手術治療過的口腔癌患者進行分析,探討其術前及術後口腔不良嗜好改變的情形,此有助於衛教計畫之擬定。 方法:收集1995年至2000年6年間經檢查診斷為口腔癌並只接受手術治療的146例患者,腫瘤分布以舌癌72例為最多,每1名患者都有6個月以上定期門診追蹤及完整的口腔習慣改變之記錄。根據此記錄分析術後吸菸、飲酒和嚼檳榔不良嗜好的改變及戒除的情形。 結果:146例口腔癌患者中,診斷時合併菸、酒、檳榔嗜好者55例(37.7%)佔最多;術前有嚼檳榔嗜好者118例,術後戒除嚼食檳榔嗜好者115例,戒除率為97.5%。術前有吸菸嗜好者123例,術後戒除者80例,戒除率為65%。術前有飲酒嗜好者67名,術後戒除者59例,戒除率為88.1%。術後3種不良嗜好使用量明顯減少並具統計上意義。術前無任何不良嗜好者有10例,術後無任何不良嗜好者增加至102例。依據本研究針對146例口腔癌患者,術後菸、酒、檳榔3種不良嗜好的戒除比率,我們發現術後的情形以檳榔最明顯,其次是飲酒,而吸菸則最難戒除。 結論:口腔癌患者術前大多數都有吸菸、飲酒或嚼檳榔的嗜好,其中又以合併3種嗜好為最多,術後以戒除檳榔之比率最高,吸菸之戒除率較低,因此針對口腔癌術後患者回診時持續衛教仍不能偏廢。


口腔癌 嚼檳榔 飲酒 吸菸


BACKGROUND: Excessive consumption of tobacco, alcohol and betel nut have been proven to increase the risk of oral cavity malignancies and not surprisingly, addiction to these oncogenic substances is common in patients with these cancers. This survey assessed post-operative changes in these addictive behaviors in patients with oral cavity malignancies to help inform future public health policy. METHOD: Between 1995 and 2000, 146 subjects diagnosed with primary oral cavity malignancies and managed with surgery alone were enrolled in this survey. Tongue cancer was the most common primary malignancy in the series. Subjects had regular out-patient clinic follow-up and their tobacco, alcohol and betel nut consumption habits were recorded in detail. Analysis was based on the collected data. RESULTS: Of the 118 regular betel nut chewers, 115(97.5%) ceased chewing after surgery. Forty-three (35%) of the 123 regular smokers quit smoking after surgery. Of the 67 patients habitually consuming alcohol, 59(88.1%) ceased drinking after surgery. The rates and extent of usage of these oncogenic substances significantly decreased postoperatively. The highest quit rate was noted among betel nut chewers, followed by alcohol consumers and smokers. CONCLUSION: Most of the patients with oral cavity malignancies quit one or more predisposing addictive habits after surgery, with the highest quit rate noted in betel nut chewers. Data from this study should help inform future public health initiatives directed at risk minimization and prevention.


