  • 期刊


The Characteristics and Factors associated with the Habit of Betel Quid Chewing among Taiwan Industrial Asphalt Association Employees


BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics and factors associated with the habit of betel quid chewing among Taiwan Industrial Asphalt Association employees. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This descriptive and cross-sectional research was conducted at the Taiwan Industrial Asphalt Association. Each of the Association's 3578 workers was given a questionnaire to fill out. A total 1826 effective questionnaires were collected and the percentage returned was 51.4%. The questionnaire consisted of questions associated with the workers' personal data, details of betel quid chewing behavior, level of betel quid dependence and other associated health issues. SPSS software was used for the statistical analysis. RESULTS: Among the 1826 employees studied, the mean age was 41.03±9.41; furthermore 80% were male, 78.3% were married, and 90% were blue-collar workers. In total, 1165 (63.8%) of the 1826 employees had chewed betel quid and 272 of them had tried to quit the habit, but only 81 persons had been successful. In terms of the personal characteristics of the study population, subgroups consisting of males, married persons, those with a low educational level, Buddhists, blue-collar workers and those who drank alcohol and smoked tobacco were significant associated with betel quid chewing. Overall, the people who chewed betel quid were also smokers and alcohol consumers. It also revealed that there was a significant difference between the three subgroups distinguished by different betel quid chewing habits (p<0.001). Furthermore, the success rate of quitting betel quid was significantly influenced by health concerns, family members, and media advertisements. CONCLUSIONS: The completion of this study allows a better understanding of the characteristics surrounding betel quid chewing among employees of the Taiwan Industrial Asphalt Association. The study provides strong evidence that male, married, low socio-economic class, blue-collar workers are the most prone to have a betel quid chewing habit and that this habit is also related to smoking and alcohol consumption. The dependency level of chewing betel quid is significantly different between employees who have successfully given up betel quid chewing, everyday chewers and seldom chewers. We suggest that government officials should strengthen the health damage advertisement campaigns aimed at betel quid chewing and screen targeted high risk groups for oral cancer.


BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics and factors associated with the habit of betel quid chewing among Taiwan Industrial Asphalt Association employees. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This descriptive and cross-sectional research was conducted at the Taiwan Industrial Asphalt Association. Each of the Association's 3578 workers was given a questionnaire to fill out. A total 1826 effective questionnaires were collected and the percentage returned was 51.4%. The questionnaire consisted of questions associated with the workers' personal data, details of betel quid chewing behavior, level of betel quid dependence and other associated health issues. SPSS software was used for the statistical analysis. RESULTS: Among the 1826 employees studied, the mean age was 41.03±9.41; furthermore 80% were male, 78.3% were married, and 90% were blue-collar workers. In total, 1165 (63.8%) of the 1826 employees had chewed betel quid and 272 of them had tried to quit the habit, but only 81 persons had been successful. In terms of the personal characteristics of the study population, subgroups consisting of males, married persons, those with a low educational level, Buddhists, blue-collar workers and those who drank alcohol and smoked tobacco were significant associated with betel quid chewing. Overall, the people who chewed betel quid were also smokers and alcohol consumers. It also revealed that there was a significant difference between the three subgroups distinguished by different betel quid chewing habits (p<0.001). Furthermore, the success rate of quitting betel quid was significantly influenced by health concerns, family members, and media advertisements. CONCLUSIONS: The completion of this study allows a better understanding of the characteristics surrounding betel quid chewing among employees of the Taiwan Industrial Asphalt Association. The study provides strong evidence that male, married, low socio-economic class, blue-collar workers are the most prone to have a betel quid chewing habit and that this habit is also related to smoking and alcohol consumption. The dependency level of chewing betel quid is significantly different between employees who have successfully given up betel quid chewing, everyday chewers and seldom chewers. We suggest that government officials should strengthen the health damage advertisement campaigns aimed at betel quid chewing and screen targeted high risk groups for oral cancer.
