  • 期刊

Hearing in Noise Tests in Subjects with Occupational Noise Induced Hearing Loss



背景:職業噪音傷害患者之純音聽力檢查在初期表現有典型的4 kHz notch,本研究旨在探討此類聽力損失是否造成日常生活溝通障礙。研究採用台灣版噪音下漢語語音聽辨測試(MHINT-T),配合聲場喇叭,在安靜與背景噪音干擾下測量其語音聽辨力,以瞭解其聽力損失程度及溝通問題。方法:研究對象包括15名職業噪音傷害患者,年齡為30-51歲。10名聽力正常之對照組,年齡為33-49歲。研究受試者分別接受純音聽力檢查,語音聽辨率測試(SDS),安靜環境下50%語句聽辨閾 (RTS)以及不同噪音源之語句聽辨訊噪比(SNR)。研究結果以Student's T檢定及線性迴歸分析進行探討。結果:語音聽辨率測試在兩組間並無明顯統計學上差異(p = 0.054)。在安靜環境下語句聽辨閾值平均值在職業噪音傷害組為35.9 ± 4.6 dB A,對照組為27.1 ± 4.1 dB A,兩組間有顯著差異。語句聽辨訊噪比無論噪音源來自前方、右方、左方,職業噪音傷害組均較對照組為高,且達統計學上顯著差異。結論:雖然常規語音聽辨率測試,無法明顯反應出職業噪音傷害患者與正常聽力對照組在語音聽辨的差異,本研究透過台灣版噪音下漢語語音聽辨測試結果顯示,無論在安靜或噪音環境下,職業噪音傷害患者的確有語音聽辨上的困擾。


BACKGROUND: To investigate the ability of speech discrimination in subjects with occupational noise induced hearing loss (ONIHL) in both quiet and noisy environment, using the Taiwan version of Mandarin Hearing in Noise Test (MHINT-T).METHODS: Fifteen subjects (30 to 51 years old) with ONIHL were enrolled. Ten subjects with normal hearing served as control. PTA and speech discrimination score (SDS) were obtained in both groups. During the MHINT-T, the reception threshold for sentences (RTSs) in quiet were acquired first, then signal to noise ratio (SNR) of RTS while noise from front, right and left were measured.RESULTS: There is borderline significant difference between the SDS of two groups (p = 0.0504). The average RTS in quiet is significantly higher in the ONIHL group (35.9 ± 4.6 dB A) compared to the control group (27.1 ± 4.1 dB A).The SNR of RTS was also significantly higher in the ONIHL group than in the control group regardless of noise came from the front, left or right.CONCLUSIONS: Although routinely performed SDS in quiet showed little difference between patients with ONIHL and normal hearing subjects, patients with ONIHL had significant difficulty in sentence discrimination in both quiet and noisy environment, as revealed by MHINT-T.
