  • 期刊


Medical Treatment of Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Others


本文將會談到慢性鼻及鼻竇炎內科治療中,較少見的方法,這些方法有些或許有學理上的基礎,有些只是所謂的另類療法或偏方,這些方法是否真的可運用於臨床上治療病人,大部分仍具有爭議性,或缺乏實證的基礎。治療方法包括1. 抗組織胺(口服或局部噴劑)、2. 抗白三烯酸(Anti-leukotrienes)、3. 去充血劑(Decongestant)、4. 抗黴菌藥物、5. 益生菌(Probiotics)、6. 黏膜(液)活性劑(Muco-active drug)、7. 草藥治療、8. 傳統中醫與針灸、9. 局部利尿劑、10. 辣椒素(Capsaicin)、11. 細菌溶解產物(Bacterial Lysates)、12. 順勢療法(Homeopathy)、13. 光照治療(Phototherapy)、14. Filgastrim(r-met-HuG-CSF)、15. 局部阻斷劑(Topical barriers. e.g. Algae-Carrageenans)、16. 銀離子水(Colloidal silver)、17. 免疫治療(Immunotherapy)。


In this chapter, we will review the medical treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis. Most of these methods are not used routinely in daily clinical practice. Some of these methods have a theoretical basis, but some are based on so- called alternative medicine. The efficacy of most of them is debatable with a lack of evidence basis. In this chapter, we will discuss the following topics: 1.Antihistamines (oral or topical), 2. Antileukotrienes, 3. Decongestants, 4. Antimycotics, 5. Probiotics, 6. Mucoactive drugs, 7. Herbal treatment, 8. Traditional Chinese medicine, 9. Topical diuretics, 10. Capsaicin, 11. Bacterial lysates, 12. Homeopathy, 13. Phototherapy, 14. Filgrastim (r-met-HuG-CSF), 15. Topical barriers. e.g. Algae-Carrageenans, 16. Topical colloidal silver, and 17. Immunotherapy.
