  • 期刊


The Study of the Style of Yijing Learning in Huang Zong-xi's Yixuexiangxhulun




梨洲 周易 易學 清初 象數


Huang Zongxi is one of the most important scholars of Yijing in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. Yixuexiangxhulun is his very important book of Yijing learning. Because there are a lot of studies of Lizhou's Xiangshu learning, this paper pays the emphasis on Lizhou's positive idea, especially that how to discuss Xiang and explain Yici. Lizhou is sure that Yijing has seven symbols, and he emphasizes that every divinatory trigram has major symbol. Besides, every interpret the divinatory trigram has different symbols. We can integrate symbols and meanings, and explain divinatory trigram and lines on a trigram by holistic or part way. Integrate with the ancient living of farmers and herdsmen, use of the ideas of astronomy, calendars and the rite and music of Zhou dynasty. His studies of Yijing is by meaning, but do not forget to explain symbols. The philosophy of Yijing is the system of Qi, and it thinks that there is just one Qi in the world. It discuss the reason on the systematic way, and called Taiji in the root of Qi. This root is Qi, so it will always repeat itself. It's belong to metaphysics. Lizhou initiates the study of Yijing, when he explains Yijing by astronomy and ancient social culture. Lizhou dedicates to the Yijing learning in the Qing dynasty, even in the modern times, have been immense.


lizhou The book of Changes Yijing Early Qing Dynasty Xiangshu


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唐‧李鼎祚:《周易集解》(臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1996年)。【Li, Ding-zuo. Zhou yi ji jie. Taipei: The Commercial Press (1996)】


