  • 期刊


Committee Selection in the Legislative Yuan: The Fifth Term Legislative Yuan


本文針對第五屆立法委員對於常設委員會選擇登記的情形進行分析,旨在探討各常設委員會的冷熱門程度?立法委員選擇常設委員會的動機目的?以及哪些因素將會對立法委員的常設委員會選擇造成影響?研究結果發現,「財政」、「經濟及能源」與「交通」委員會是最多立法委員欲選擇的熱門委員會,「預算及決算」委員會需視該會期有無審查中央政府總預算而定,至於「外交及僑務」、「司法」與「法制」委員會則是登記人數最少的冷門委員會。 在立法委員的政治目的上,區域立委較具有利益導向的認知,以「獲取選民認識支持」為主,不分區立委則是以「實現政治理想」及「貫徹政黨立場」為主。本文透過logit模型的檢證發現,「是否擔任黨團幹部」、「選出方式及選區特性」、「立委資深程度」、「是否擔任企業董監事」及其「政治目的」皆會對熱門委員會的選擇與否產生顯著的影響。此外,本文的分析結果也顯示,委員會相關理論的探討,在不同國會制度及選舉制度下將會有不同的解釋與適用性,在台灣立法委員對常設委員會的選擇上,當委員是由選民直接選出的區域立委或擔任企業董監事時,較具利益分配的傾向,而適用分配理論的觀點;當委員屬於政黨提名的不分區立委或已擔任黨團幹部者,則易接受黨團的安排與協商,而較適用資訊理論或多數黨優勢理論的觀點。


This paper aims to examine the committee selection in the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan. Using data from interviews with legislative assistants and committee assignment records, the paper compares the popularity of the various committees and discusses the legislators' political goals. It also examines the factors that might influence legislators' committee selection. The results show that the Finance Committee, Economics and Energy Committee, and Transportation Committee are the most popular committees. Conversely, the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee, Judiciary Committee, and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee are the least popular committees. The popularity of the Budget and Final Accounts Committee depends on whether the annual budget is to be examined. In terms of the legislators' political goals, district legislators tend to receive recognition and support from their constituencies. The party-list legislators, however, tend to transform their political ideas into laws and follow party discipline. The results also suggest that factors such as being caucus members, the way in which legislators are elected, the characteristics of the constituency, and seniority in the Legislative Yuan have significant effects on committee selection. In addition, the results confirm that district legislators are more likely to act as the distribution theory predicted. Information theory” and majority-party cartel theory are more applicable to party-list legislators.


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