  • 期刊


Resolving or Spurring Political Crisis: Examining the Role of Confidence Votes in the German Executive-Legislature Relationship




The German vote of confidence, which is designed to resolve political gridlock, furnishes executive preemptive power to deal with political conflict and respectively entitles the Chancellor, the Bundestag, and Federal President different institutional prerogatives to counterbalance one another. By analyzing all cases of confidence votes in Federal Germany, this paper uncovers substantial inconsistencies between the intention and the enforcement of such a constitutional design. To begin with, the confidential mechanism, at best, has a short-term effect on curbing the conflict between the legislature and the executive. Moreover, it is often employed to reap electoral benefits, such as prolonging the reign of the Chancellor and gaining more party seats. This abuse has resulted in vast public concerns over the violation of the constitutional and long-term instability of the German parliamentary system. To solve these problems, this paper suggests that some appropriate constraints should be imposed on the timing of proposing a confidence vote. By doing so, a confidence vote can simultaneously leave room for political actors' discretion and maintain political stability.


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