  • 期刊


The Relevance of Confrontation, Coexistence and Circumvention between the Sovereignty and Human Rights: Some Reflections on the Discourse of the "Responsibility to Protect" and Its Value, Significance in Humanitarian Intervention




The term ”Responsibility to Protect” was first presented in the report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, ICISS in December 2001. The Commission had been formed in response to Kofi Annan's question of when the international community must intervene for human protection purposes. The R2P stresses that states have the primary responsibility to protect their population from the action of humanitarian intervention. It focuses on the responsibility of the international community to take timely and decisive action to prevent and halt genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity when a state is manifestly failing to protect its population. However, obviously, humanitarian intervention, as advocates of R2P, has rightly threatened the traditional rights of sovereign nations. There is a conflict between the R2P and other norms in the institution of sovereignty, such as non-interference and sovereign equality. Also, the argument has gained ground that, in certain cases, the only way to protect human rights is for the international community to violate the sovereignty of a particular state in order to protect the human rights of people within that state. Hence, how this problem plays itself out, and how it affects the status of the concept in sovereignty will be explored in this paper. In addition, in order to determine whether it is justified to speak of R2P as an emerging norm of international society, this paper explores a discussion of the relevance of human rights and sovereignty, analyzing the concept of the R2P and its legal basis and how the approach of confrontation, coexistence and circumvention between the sovereignty and the R2P is currently being implemented and practiced by the international society. Finally, the paper explores a discussion of some reflections on the discourse of the ”Responsibility to Protect” and its value and significance in humanitarian intervention.


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