  • 期刊


State Capability and International Participation: An Empirical Study of Global Regimes, 1945-2013


本文旨在釐清「國家實力」和「國際事務的參與數量」之間的關係,進而剖析世界秩序的本質。在經過變異數分析(ANOVA)、關聯強度(strength of association)分析、及虛擬變項之迴歸分析(egression of dummy variable)等檢測後,研究發現如下:一、在進行國際建制的創建時,國家的參與數量會依國力強弱而出現次序性的差異,但在管制國際事務時則無統計上的顯著差異;二、國家實力和國際參與兩者間存在顯著的正相關;三、在當代世界秩序的形塑過程之中,強權國與次強國家扮演著重要的角色。


The purpose of this article was to explore the relationship between State Capability and International Participation, and subsequently analyze the nature of World Order. The statistical methods used to analyze the data comprised ANOVA, strength of association, and regression of dummy variable. Research findings were as follows. First, when participate in building international regimes, state's participation frequency was listed according to state capability and has sequence differences between groups. However, with regard to the international affairs regulation, there is no statistically significant difference. Second, results indicate that there is a significant positive correlation between State Capability and International Participation. Finally, Major Powers and Secondary Powers are playing important roles in shaping the nature of world order.


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