  • 期刊


The Operational Mechanisms and the Diverse Paths of Cohabitation in New Semi-presidential Democracies




From the perspective of path dependence, this paper analyzes various forms of cohabitation under semi-presidentialism in the nascent democracies of Bulgaria, Lithuania, Mongolia, Niger, Poland, Slovenia, São Tomé and Príncipe, Slovakia, Romania, and Georgia. By examining the historical circumstances that resulted in a system in which either the president or the parliament names a prime minister in practice, this paper discusses how the government system design affects the executive power vesting dispute, the interactive relationship between the executive and the legislative, as well as the interaction between initial conditions and critical junctures(?). Although there was a similarity that every country chose a parliamentary-led nomination system at the beginning, the system reproduction at the/a critical moment would cause the/a dispute about the real head of the executive between the president and the premier, in addition to the competition for controlling the executive operation between the president and the parliament. As a result, cohabitation does not inevitably make semi-presidentialism move forward. Besides, this paper argues that the various operational mechanisms of cohabitation reveal a state's chances and limits to constitutional democracy in practice since cohabitation may be makeshift caused by the historical or cultural structure, or a result that the institution forces the actors to behave in a way in which they have no other choice.


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