  • 期刊


Writing Native Self, Writing Life-Linda Hogan and Anita Endrezze




This paper examines Native American life writings, drawing on Linda Hogan's The Woman Who Watches Over the World: A Native Memoir and Anita Endrezze's Throwing Fire at the Sun, Water at the Moon as pivotal texts, to chart Native American life path, analyze their ethnographic mode of self-representation, and dissect their power to contest the hegemonic national discourse. Questions that arise in this paper include: How to explore the affective dimensions of Native American individual and tribal life histories? How are cultural differences negotiated within and across the geographical, psychological, social, and cultural boundaries in Native American life writings? How do Native American cultural histories and tribal memories work to bring together a fragmented self? How are identities played out among several cultural discourses, be they ethnic, national, gender, and/or racial based? Inquiring into Hogan's and Anita Endrezze's works, this paper thus charts the trajectories of Native American memories, staging the past so as to understand the present and prophesy the future of the Americas.


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