  • 期刊


How the European Court of Human Rights' Storck and Buck Judgments Impact German Courts: Debates on the Protection of Private Life and Home


本文藉由分析Storck v. Germany及Buck v. Germany兩個案件,以探究私生活及住家隱私權之內涵及歐洲人權法院判決在此領域對德國法院之衝擊。本文對於歐洲人權法院在Storck案認定一九八一年之安置沒有侵犯當事人私生活權利,表示無法完全贊同。對於兩案中其他判決內容,本文認為正是權利保護者之積極呈現。但是本文亦認為,有關履行判決,當事人不必然得到完整之金錢賠償,甚至個案再次回到國內救濟都有困難。而歐洲人權法院之判決可能引導國內法律之修改,或是促使更加細密地適用法律。


This paper probes the right to respect for private life and home by reviewing two cases: Storck v. Germany and Buck v. Germany. It also examines how the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights impact the German courts. This paper disagrees with part of the Storck judgment in which it was decided that the placement of the applicant in a psychiatric hospital in 1981 did not violate her right to private life. However, it considers the other parts of both judgements as positive right protectors. This paper argues that in these judgments, the applicants did not always receive full compensation. In one of the cases, the applicant was not even granted a monetary compensation as such needed to be enforced through the domestic courts, which would most likely be a long difficult road with much uncertainty. The judgments of the European Court guide the amendment of domestic laws; they also urge for a meticulous application of ECtHR rulings and domestic laws at the national courts.


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