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Combating Workplace Bullying in the European Union: Retrospect and Prospect




The purpose of this paper is to offer an overall assessment of efforts made by the European Union in combating workplace bullying. It also examines whether it is possible to promulgate a binding directive for its Member States to solve this problem. The main contents of the paper are divided into four sections. Section One provides a general background about the development of psychosocial workplace hazards, such as discrimination, harassment, violence and bullying in the European Union. Sections Two traces various efforts made by the European Union in combating workplace bullying through the legal regime governing occupational safety and health matters. Section Three reviews the opinions supporting or opposing for the EU to enact related directives for its Member States. It also discusses the merits and shortcomings of the current EU system and examines what Taiwan can learn as it confronts this issue in the workplace.


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