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Experience on the Treatment of Glaucoma with Ocusert-Pilocarpine


Ocusert-pilocarpine為新開發之持續型薄膜控制pilocarpine釋放系統,本試驗使用此系統於29例對傳統性pilocarpine點眼反應良好之隅角開放性青光眼症例,顯示病人不耐受性佔約10%,眼壓控制滿意者約80%。pilo-20適用於原來使用1% pilocarpine點眼液者,pilo-40適用於原來使用2~4 % pilocarpine點眼液者,而有效持續時間至少一星期。無明顯的副作用,亦無對眼的傷害或感染事情發生。對於傳統pilocarpine點眼易引起的縮憧或屈光變動等副作用較不明顯,為其優點。似可推廣使用於pilocarpine反應良好之青光眼病人的治療。




Twenty-nine patients with open-angle glaucoma who were responsive to pilocarpine have been studied from 4 weeks to 3 months regarding their response to the use of Ocusert-pilocarpine. Patients placed the system in the cul-de-sac once a week. They retained it well and tolerated its continuing use without appreciable difficulty except 2 cases. Magnitude of pressure reduction with release rates of 20 mcg and 40 mcg of pilocarpine per hour were as effective in the treatment of glaucoma as 1 percent and 2 to 4 percent pilocarpine eye drops respectively, except 3 cases. The duration of effect is at least 7 days. Side effects from the Ocusert were mininal or absent. The advantages of Ocusert-pilocarpine over eyedrops are better patient compliance and convenience, around-the-clock protection, reduced untoward side effects associated with transient overdose of pilocarpine such as sustained miosis and change of refractory state.
