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Adie's Syndrome (Case Report)


本篇報告一例40歲家庭主婦,左眼瞳孔(Tonic Pupil)達五個月,臨床上症狀有眩暈及視力模糊。對光反應及近反應皆減弱,膝反射及Achilles反射皆消失。對0.25% Pilocarpine溶液特別敏感。




A case was presented of a 40 year old house wife who complained of having had blurred vision and vertigo for about 5 months. An Ophthalmoscopic examination revealed mild cupping of the left optic disc. Her visual acuity measured 1.0 in the left eye and 1.2 in the right. The pupils were unequal with left measuring 5 mm and the right 3 mm. The left pupil was nonreactive to light and the convergence response was sluggish. A 2.5% solution of pilocarpine produced miosis in 30 minutes with a more marked response in the left eye than in the right. There was a bilateral absence of knee and Achilles reflexes. The VDRL test has not yet been examined. Cases of Adie's pupil are very rare in Taiwan. The accepted characteristics of Adie's syndrome at present are as follows: 1. Predominant in females from ages 20 to 40. 2. Unilateral involvement (8% to 10% bilateral). 3. Large pupil becoming small with time. 4. Occasional loss of accomodation. 5. Sluggish or nonreactive response to light. 6. Sluggish convergence but more reactive than the response to light. 7. Deep tendon reflexes diminished, absent, or asymmetric. 8. Hypersensitivity to weak parasympathetic agent (1.25% pilocarpine).


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