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The Study of Ocular Electrophysiology and Concentration of Copper and Zinc in Retinitis Pegmentosa


本文研究23位色素性網膜病變(Retinitis Pigmentosa)的患者,其網膜電圖(ERG)、視覺誘發電位(VEP),以及血液中銅、鋅離子濃度和ceruloplasmin濃度。結果顯示,患者之ERG和VEP幾乎無反應,或是有振幅降低、潛值延後的情形。血中銅、鋅離子與尿中銅之濃度和正常對照組比較,無顯著差別,而ceruloplasmin濃度則有明顯升高的現象。




Varied approaches exist at present for the evaluation and management of retinitis pigmentosa and allied diseases, although its etiology is not yet known. Clinically diagnosed 23 cases of retinitis pigmentosa have been investigated regarding their electrophysiology and copper, zinc metabolic state after been checked for night blindness, visual acuity, color vision, visual field defect and family history. Somewhat delayed latencies and decreased amplitudes in photopic wave of electroretinogram are observed, but about 2/3 patients do not have a recordable response. Pattern and flash visual evoked potential show delayed latencies and decreased amplitudes, or even no response, which correlated with visual acuity. A normal or near normal serum copper, serum zinc and urine copper concentration, high plasma ceruloplasmin concentration were noted in our study which had some difference from other studies. The results of this study haven't enough evidence to support the hypothesis of abnormal copper metabolism in retinitis pigmentosa.


retinitis pigmentosa electrophysiology zinc copper
