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Atypical Coloboma of the Macular a Case Report


本文報告一例,12歲小女孩,自幼左眼視力模糊,臨狀及眼底螢光攝影檢查證實是眼底黃血斑缺損之病例;歸屬於Mann分類之第一類:色素性黃斑部缺損(Pigmented Macular Coloboma)。非典型視網膜或脈胳膜缺損是一種少見的眼疾,臨狀上表徵有如典型眼底缺損(Typical coloboma)只是發生的位置不同,一般來說,黃斑部缺損多不是先天發育上的問題,而是一種子宮內發炎的結果。




Atypical coloboma of the choroid and retina are rare; clinically the condition resembles in appearance the deformity which occurs in the typical position of the embryonic cleft. Colobomas of the macular are in most cases probably not developmental anomalies in the true sense of the woud but, rather, represent instances of scarring, Atypical coloboma of the choroid and retina are rare; clinically the condition resembles in appearance the deformity which occurs in the typical position of the embryonic cleft. Colobomas of the macular are in most cases probably not developmental anomalies in the true sense of the woud but, rather, represent instances of scarring, reactive pigmentation, and atrophy following intrauterine inflammation. Macular coloboma is an atypical coloboma due to its atypical position of embryonic position. One case of macular coloboma is reported. Clinically and angiographically, it is a case of Mann's type I-pigmented macular coloboma without abnormal vessels.
