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Ptosis Inversus of the Lower Lid






Ptosis inversus means an elevating of the lower lid above its normal position. The lid can't be depressed at down gaze. It is a new term which is defined by authors. Two cases with unilateral enophthalmos had this problem. They were corrected successfully by lower lid retractor resection procedures which are to resect the lower lid retractor and to lower the lid level. It can move the lower lid down 2 to 2.5mm according to the level of the elevation. The operation procedures have never been documented. The operation procedures are as follows: Step 1: Skin incision was made along the infra cilia line. Step 2: The inferior tarsal muscle of Mullers was stripped down from the lower tarsus and the conjunctiva. Step 3: The Capsulopalpebral ligament was seperated from the septum. Step 4: A 4-0 Dexon was passed through the mid-tarsus to the Capsulopalpebral ligament-Mullers muscle complex. The lower lid would be retracted downward. Two additional stitches were passed through the nasal side and the temporal side seperatively. Step 5: Let the patient sit up to adjust the level of the lower lid. Step 6: The skin wound was closed with 7-0 Ethilone.
