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Primary Ocular Malignant Melanoma of Ciliary Body with Liver Metastasis-Case Report


原發性葡萄膜惡性黑色素瘤好發於白色人種,且多見於眼球脈絡膜,原發於虹膜及睫狀體僅佔百分之二十左右,東方人種更為罕見。 本篇報告一例中國人罕見之原發性睫狀體惡性黑色素瘤,合併續發性白內障及局部視網膜剝離,並於術後併發全身性轉移。文中將敘述其臨床表徵,病史追踪及病理發現。




Malignant melanoma of the uveal tract is the most common primary intraocular malignancy in the white adult. Although, it is rarely found in colored patient. The choroid is the most common foci of the uveal malignant melanoma. Thus, the ciliary body and iris are less involved. We reported a seldom case of primary malignant melanoma of ciliary body in a 63-year- old Chinese male. The clinical presentation is a pigmented intraocular tumor on his right ciliary body temporal-upperly with the complications of cataract, focal episcleral vein engorgment corresponding to the tumor site, and local serous retinal detachment. Histopathologically, the tumor appeared as a mixed cell type with predominantly spindle B differenciation. The tumor cells arranged in fuciform and palisading pattern. Frequent cell mitosis and pleomorphism were obviously seen. In spite of his systemic work-up completely within normal limit during the admission routine check up, he suffered from liver metastasis of malignant melanoma five month post his right eye enuclated. The liver aspiration biopsy revealed mixed-type melanoma cell with also predominant spindle B differenciation. The theory of enuclation or conservative therapy of the malignant melanoma of uvea is still uncertain. The early diagnosis and treatment are strongly suggested.


Malignant melanoma ciliary body Metastasis
