

本文報告一例72歲單側虹彩層裂之男性病患,細隙燈檢查發現右眼瞳孔下方之虹彩表面有分裂現象;且在前房中其層裂漂浮之虹彩纖維末端可接觸到角膜內皮細胞。兩眼眼壓在正常範圍。病患右眼於年輕時有遭受外力鈍擊之情形,但無眼內發炎或先天畸形等病史。 右眼隅角鏡檢發現由五點到八點之隅角均被分裂漂浮之虹彩纖維所遮蓋,但其餘之部份則為開放性隅角;另並未發現有週邊前連黏及隅角退行性之變化。角膜內皮細胞檢查無特殊之發現。經過五年的追踪,虹彩層裂之範圍及角膜均無變化,且亦無青光眼之現象。




Iridoschisis is an uncommon late-onset iris stromal dissolution. A case of unilateral iridoschisis in a 72-year-old male is reported. Slit-lamp examination of this case disclosed a splitting and fragmentation of the inferior iris stroma of the right eye. In addition, in some area there was contact between floating strands of iris and the cornea endothelium. On gonioscopy, the anterior chamber angle was optically closed secondary to strings of iris stroma between 5 and 8 o'clock meridians; but the remainder of the anterior chamber angle of the right eye was open. There was no angle recession noted of both eyes although he had had a history of blunt ocular trauma of the right eye when he was a young man. The cup-disk ratio wa normal. Specular microscopy revealed normal endothelial density and morphology of both eyes. There was no history of ocular inflammation or congenital iris abnormality can be traced in the record. During a five-year period, the anterior chamber angle configuration and the extent of iridoschisis of his right eye remained unchanged.


Iridoschisis Glaucoma Iris

