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The Study of Change of Anterior Chamber Angle and Position of Intraocular Lens after Cataract Surgery


以Scheimpflug photography眼前部分析儀到量四十名白內障病人在接受超音波乳化術前後的前房隅角角度(anterior chamber angle)和前房深度(anterior chamber depth)的變化。依植入人工水晶體的不同,分成硬式polymethyl methacrylate(PMMA)組和軟式可折疊Silicone組,並分別在術後檢查不同人工晶體的穩定性。 結果顯示:術前PMMA組的平均前房鼻側隅角為28.31±5.59°,術後八週平均角度為39.23±6.09°,而平約前房顳側隅角為27.83±6.50°,術後八週平均角度為37.29±4.89°;術前平均前房深度為2.66±0.42mm,術後八週平均深度為3.92±0.34mm。不論PMMA組或是Silicone 組在術後一週、術後八週的前房隅角都有明顯變寬變大的現象,而前房深度也有意義的變深。但是不論術前或術後PMMA組和Silicone組都沒有統計學上的差異。這方面對於青光眼病人接受白內障手術應有正面的意義。 PMMA人工水晶體組在術後八週時平均傾斜度為2.57±1.34°,平均中心移位0.41±0.18mm;Silicone組則平約傾斜度為4.25±2.37°,平均中心移位為0.72±1.04mm。Silicone組是否較易傾斜及中心移位,有待進一步更多病例的收集和探討。




We measure the change of ant. chamber angle and depth in 40 patients with cataracts by Scheimpflug photography-”Ant. segment analysis of eye” before and after phacoemulsification. There are two groups depending on the types of IOL in our study-”hard PMMA” and ”soft foldable silicon” IOL, and we examine the stability of them after cataract surgery. The result indicates the average nasal ant. Chamber angle of PMMA group is 28.31±5.59° before surgery; 39.23±6.09° in 8 weeks after surgery. The average temporal ant. chamber angle is 27.83±6.50° before surgery; 37.29±4.89° in 8 weeks after surgery. The average ant. chamber depth of PMMA group is 2.66±0.42mm before surgery; 3.92±0.34mm in 8 weeks after surgery. The ant. chamber angle and depth of two groups both increase significantly in one and eight weeks after surgery. But there are no significant statistical differences between PMMA group and silicone group. This result should be positive for patients with glaucoma to receive cataract surgery. The average tilt of IOL in PMMA group is 2.57±1.34° in 8 weeks after surgery, and the average decentration of IOL is 0.41±0.18mm; the average tilt of IOL in silicon group is 4.25±2.37° in 8 weeks after surgery, and the average decentration of IOL is 0.72±1.04mm. However, we need more cases collected and discussed to know whether tilt and decentration occur more commonly in silicon IOL or not.
