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Intraoperative and Early Postoperative Complications in Surgery of Primary Cases with Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment: Do the Intraoperative Complications Affect the Anatomical Results?


目的:分析鞏膜環扣術中的併發症,是否影響手術的結果。 方法:本文收集高雄長慶紀念醫院自民國八十一年三月至八十六年五月期間,原發性網膜剝離之病例,加以回溯分析。 結果:總共267個病例,手術之後至少追蹤一年,接受鞏膜環和術治療為主的247個病例中,僅三例無接受網膜下液外引流。其一次手術解剖成功率為90.2%,最終失敗率是3.24%。術中主要併發症發生於縫上外植物以及網膜下液外引流時,分別有17及15例。這些病例一次手術解剖成功率分別是94.1%及93.3%,且再次手術的二例亦能成功。另外術後三個月內的併發症以表面角膜炎(26.6%)及暫時性眼壓上升(18.7%)為主。 結論:透過小心術中的處理,以鞏膜環和術治療原發性網膜剝離的術中主要併發症並不會影響手術的結果。




The purpose of this study is to establish whether the intraoperative complications of scleral buckling for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment can affect the postoperative anatomical results. This study consists of a retrospective consecutive series of patients seen from March 1992 to May 1997 and operated by one physician. Totally 267 eyes of 262 patients were reviewed. There were 247 cases that received initial scleral buckling technique without vitrectomy. Of these 247 cases, the anatomical success rate after the initial operation is 90.2% and the ultimate failure rate is 3.24%. The major intraoperative complications happened during explant suturing and subretinal fluid drainage. The initial operative anatomical success rates of the cases that had suture or drainage complications are 94.1% and 93.3% respectively. None failed ultimately. Therefore, we concluded that the major intraoperative complications do not affect the surgical results after careful additional management. We also found that the major early postoperative complications are superficial keratitis and transient elevation of intraocular pressure.
