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Primary Conjunctival Lymphoma-A Case Report



原發性眼瞼淋巴瘤十分少見,遠較於次發性結膜淋巴瘤要少很多。我們報告一63歲健康男性病人在球結膜處,發現一個鮭魚顏色,13×12mm的腫瘤,經全身檢查,及後續追蹤,無復發,也無相關身體的病變發生。 病理檢查及免疫螢光學檢查,顯示這是一個marginal zone B-celll ymphoma positive for L26 (CD20),but negative for UCHL-l。 大部份的原發性眼瞼淋巴瘤屬於mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT),預後良好,只需保守療法。




Primary conjunctival lymphomas are very rare. They are much less than secondary conjunctival lymphomas. The clinical course of primary conjunctival lymphoma was discussed here. We report a 63 year-old healthy patient with a 13×12 mm salmon-color patch on the right bulbar conjunctiva for three months was admitted to our department under the impression of conjunctival lymphoma. The patient felt neither pain nor tenderness, but the lesion was growing progresssively. We performed an extensive excision of the lesion through the conjunctiva. Systemic evaluation for lymphoma was also done. The pathological and immunohistochemical findings revealed a marginal zone B-cell lymphoma positive for L26 (CD20), but negative for UCHL-1. The patient was followed-up at ophthalmic and hematological departments. Systemic examinations were all within normal limits. This is a rare case of primary conjunctival lymphoma completely excised by extensive excision. Most primary conjunctival lymphomas are mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) types and the condition often has a favorable prognosis.
