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Periocular Inflammation Associated with Alendronate Therapy: A Case Report and Review



目的:報告一個Alendronate引起眼周發炎的病例。 方法:病例報告。 結果:一名75歲女性,因骨質疏鬆,一星期服用一次70mg的Alendronate,三星期後她的右眼出現紅、痛、腫。眼科檢查發現右眼結膜紅腫台併上眼瞼水腫。眼窩電腦斷層掃描顯示模糊的筋膜層和團倀的軟組織分佈在右眼顯側的眼瞼及眼周部位。此患者之眼周發炎用局部類固醇治療有相當的改善,但是連續數週,每逢星期六服用Alendronate後症狀就會轉壞,因此停用Alendronate。停用三週後檢查時,右眼眼周發炎的症狀已消失。 結論:Alendronate引起眼球或眼窩嶺炎的副作用的機率雖然很低,但是若有病人,尤其是老年人,發生不明原因的眼發炎,應將此可能性列入考慮,詳細詢問病人是否有骨質疏鬆而服用Alendronate。這個病例也讓我們隊次體認病史詢問的重要性。




Purpose: To report a case of periocular inflammation associated with Alendronate and review the literature of relevance to this case. Method: Case report and literature review. Results: A 75-year-old woman began to experience redness and pain of her right eye with upper eyelid swelling 3 weeks after starting Alendronate therapy with a single weekly dose of 70 mg for her osteoporosis. Ocular examination revealed conjunctival hyperemia with upper eyelid edema particularly at the temporal side of her right eye. Computed tomography of orbit showed blurring fascia and swelling of the soft tissue at the right temporal eyelid and periocular area. The periocular inflammation had modest response to topical steroid treatment. However, a periodical fluctuation of the symptoms associated with Alendronate administration was noted in subsequent weeks. After discontinuation of Alendronate, the symptoms of her right eye subsided gradually; and on follow-up examination 3 weeks later, the periocular inflammation was resolved. Conclusion: Although ocular or orbital inflammation after Alendronate taking is rare, physicians should be alert to potential adverse ocular reactions in patients who are receiving Alendronate for osteoporosis. This case report reemphasizes the importance of case history review.
