  • 期刊


Research of Designing a Medical Information System Using Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)-The Case of Designing the Situation-Aware Emergency Remedy System


醫療資訊軟體系統已經是醫療實務界與學術界重要的應用與研究方向,然而大型的醫療資訊軟體系統在設計開發完成後,時常面臨系統無法完全符合使用者的實際需求,更於後續之系統維護與功能新增時,無法與原系統完善整合,嚴重地浪費寶貴的醫療資源,其根本原因在於醫療系統之開發過程沒有遵守標準軟體設計模式準則。國科會目前所極力推展之整合能力成熟度模式(Capability Maturity Model Integration,CMMI)為國際作業流程標準,可以作為提供軟體專案開發流程標準模式,讓醫療資訊系統的開發以及文件產出有一套可遵循的標準程序,此對蓬勃發展中之醫療資訊系統開發與整合具有關鍵性的幫助。本研究藉由導入整合能力成熟度模式,以期有效解決資訊系統開發時容易發生的問題,包括,使用者之需求追踪、大系統功能規格制定之標準、系統開發流程之監控與整合,以及系統完成後之測試與維護等。在實際案例驗證上,本研究利用整合能力成熟度模式標準,設計並實作完成一套結合行動多媒體技術,以及具有系統實務性之“環境認知式急診救護系統”,此系統之研究方法設計與系統成果,將可以做為相關緊急醫療資訊軟體系統開發時的參考。


As rapid progress of medical information system, it is urgently required a standard medical software development process to achieve customized requirement and stable system maintenance. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) defines the process standards of developing the software project. CMMI standardizes the processes of user requirements definition, system function specification, system design, system verification, and system integration. CMMI makes the feasibility of developing a complex medical information system. In this paper, we formalized the analysis and design processes of medical information system based on Light-Weight CMMI, which proposed by NSC, Taiwan. The related system specification, design, and verification are described using LW-CMMI. The studying case is named as Situation-Aware Emergency Remedy System (SANE), which combines the emergency medical services with GIS/GPS, mobile multimedia communications, and context-aware technologies. To let emergency first-aid personnel could arrive the accident location in time and give the first aid for emergency patients. The research results show that CMMI can help system developers build a high quality system.
