

台灣醫療科技日益進步,隨著國人健康意識的抬頭,越來越多民眾主動關心自身的健康狀態,持續追蹤體能的各項指標。有鑑於目前多數的健康照護平台(health care and monitoring, HCM),大多只擁有單方面分享或家庭照護的社群化元素,而無法真正的讓使用者瞭解他們所想要了解的族群,進而產生互動與激勵,而反倒降低了使用的頻率。而且也因量測儀器普遍體積較為龐大與不便攜帶,導致量測行為多半侷限於家中,而儀器所提供的資訊,也因為缺乏專業人員的介入與即時的互動,無法真正明顯的讓使用者了解這些數據背後所顯示的涵義。本開發平台HOPE(Healthcare Open Platform Environment)為一個開放式與互動性遠距照護開放平台,採用智慧系統服務之共通平台(Smart System Service)的設計理念,基於實現可攜式量測儀器與無線即時上傳,透過藍芽功能與日常所見之攜帶型智慧手機,達成隨時隨地並且可依據不同的體能狀態以產出資訊,讓每筆量測資訊能更加有效的分析與利用。並且透過自定義社群化的功能,藉由使用者自身與相似群組資料的比對、同族群的交互比對與排名等方式,作為疾病預警及健康管理的基礎,給予飲食、運動、睡眠等方面的建議,彌補現今量測數據因缺乏使用頻率的資料完整性與豐富度。HOPE也特別針對心電圖資訊進行初步分析,除了讓使用者可隨時了解測量的結果外,還可作為遠距照護個案管理師辨別心律不整的輔助判斷。當系統偵測到疑似心律不整的狀況時,不僅會通知使用者注意,還會通知個案管理師與使用者的家人,以在第一時間做最佳的處理。HOPE結合行動裝置、自定義社群與分析的功能,將使照護應用突破空間時間的限制,提高使用頻率與提升生理資訊的可應用性,也使照護更加無所不在。


Taiwan's medical technology has been advancing at a fast pace in recent years. With the rise of people's health awareness, more and more people take the initiative to care about their own health status and to keep track of various indicators of their physical condition. Most of the existing health care and monitoring (HCM) systems only provide one-way sharing or intra-family sharing capability. They do not empower users to understand and interact with people in the same social and/or ethnic group, which is a key ingredient in generating excitement and motivation among each other. As a result, their adaptation rate and usage frequency are low. Also, since the data cannot easily be shared with family members and people in the similar group, the deeper value of the data cannot be unleashed.Also, the medical measuring and monitoring instruments deployed in current HCM systems are very bulky and inconvenient to carry, their applications are mostly confined to the home usage. In addition, due to the lack of involvement of and real-time interaction with medical professionals, the users cannot fully understand the real meaning behind the data collected.HOPE (Healthcare Open Platform Environment) is an open and interactive telemedicine platform adopting the common platform design philosophy of the Smart System Service developed at III. Basing on the realization of portable measurement devices and instant data upload, via wireless Bluetooth and smart phones, HOPE provides remote health monitoring at anywhere and anytime as well as outputs information according to a person's physical states. In this way, every piece of the measured data can be more effective analyzed and utilized. HOPE specifically targets ECG data for preliminary analysis. Besides keeping users abreast of the measurement results, HOPE also delivers the analyzed results (e.g. suspect of arrhythmia) to assist the assigned Case Manager in arrhythmia diagnostic. When a suspected arrhythmia symptom is detected, the HOPE system sends notification to the user, his/her family members and the pre-selected Case Manager to take care of the potential problem in a timely manner. Furthermore, HOPE integrates the technologies in mobile device, social networking and family network. Through timely interactions and mutual caring among family members and friends, the user can better understand and monitor his/her physical and psychological condition as well as their family members'. By comparing user's own data as well as with comparable groups' data, it forms the foundation for early disease warning and better health management, providing comprehensive advices in exercise, sleep, diet, and other aspects of healthy living.HOPE integrates the technologies in mobile devices, user-defined social community and analytics, resulting in removal of the time and space limitation barriers in home health monitoring and caring. It significantly improves the effectiveness and utilization of the remotely collected healthcare data. As a result, more effective home and ubiquitous health care and monitoring can be realized.
