  • 期刊


Intentions of using a website of Taiwan hospital medical tourism: Perspective of international users


近年來,國際醫療受到各國的高度重視,加上經濟及航空運輸科技的快捷發展,引發國際醫療廣大的商機及經濟效益。衛生署於2007年推動醫療服務國際化旗艦計畫中,表示建立台灣醫療服務國際化之平台,可幫助國家推動國際醫療行銷工作,本研究為探討台灣推動國際醫療的行銷方式對於國際人士之影響,因此針對各醫院的國際醫療網進行探討。本研究採問卷調查法,本問卷採用李克特七點尺度衡量,1分為非常不同意、7分為非常同意。並於回收問卷後,利用統計軟體SPSS 18.0進行敘述性統計分析,並針對本研究回收之樣本進行初步的基本資料分析,刪除無效樣本後,進行信度及效度。此外,以SmartPLS統計軟體估計路徑係數及R^2,藉以驗證本研究模型之顯著性及解釋力。本問卷回收數量共132份,凡具有台灣居留證之問卷予以刪除,共計3筆資料,總計有效問卷為129份。進一步探討國際人士使用台灣醫院國際醫療網之意願。而研究結果發現,「相對優勢」、「認知產品品質」、「人際影響」、「自我效能」、「態度」、「主觀規範」、「認知行為控制」對於國際人士之「使用意圖」具有正向影響;而「外部影響」則不具顯著影響。台灣醫院國際醫療網對於國際人士而言,扮演著重要的行銷管道,本研究結果發現,國際人士使用台灣醫院國際醫療網後,對於品質多數給予正面肯定,因此建議政府可以依據國際人士特性,深入瞭解國際人士之偏好、語言,並與醫療院所合作,向來台或曾經來台就醫病患倡導台灣醫院國際醫療網之使用。此外,醫療院所透過線上行銷國際醫療服務已日益增加,但實務上往往礙於人力不足情況而無法讓該網站推行順暢,因此建議醫療院所可增設行銷專員,協助處理網路行銷推廣之業務,針對各醫療院所提供的服務狀況,建立國際醫療客源市場。本研究認為透過網站之使用,得以讓國際人士獲得更有效的取得台灣國際醫療服務資訊,藉以提升國際人士來台就醫之意圖。


Recently, due to the rapid development of economy and airline industry, ''medical tourism'' has received high attention in many countries that evokes tremendous business opportunities and economic effects. Taiwan is also part of the global medical tourism movement. Taiwan's department of health has promoted medical truism since 2007 with master plans and built the platform for servicing and marking the international medical truism. As a result, Taiwan is now at the forefront of international medical tourism. This study found that the official Microblog for Taiwan medical travel has low rate of use and communication. This study used survey as research method with a questionnaire using7-point Liker-type rating scale with 1 represents strongly disagree and 7 point as strongly agree. This study use SPSS 18.0 as analysis tool to process descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, validity analysis and factor analysis. The research model is validated by using SmartPLS to estimate path coefficient and R^2, and to verify research model's significance and explanatory power. The survey was received 129 valid responses out of 132 questionnaires distributed with 3 respondents as Taiwan residences that were not qualified for the survey. This study found Relative Advantage, Perceived Quality Interpersonal Influence, Self-Efficacy, Attitude, Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavioral Control have a positive impact on the use intention of the Taiwan hospital medical tourism website. External Influence has not significant effect on use intention. Website of Taiwan hospital medical tourism is an important marketing channel for international users. The study found that after these international users used Micro-blog of Taiwan medical travel, most of them have positive impression on it. Therefore, this study suggests the Taiwan government to understand the users' preferences and language and cooperate with hospitals with patients have received medical treatment in Taiwan to use websit of Taiwan hospital medical travel. Although most hospital used online website to promote medical tourism services increasingly and realized the advantage of website, but they actually do not have enough human resources to operate their website. Increasing marketing staff to handle the promotion tasks of medical tourism is necessary. For this study proved that the website of Taiwan medical travel can make international user's retrieve more information of medical tourism services efficiently to enhance the foreigner's willingness to come to Taiwan for medical treatment.
