  • 期刊


An Overview and Analysis of the Effect of Information Systematization on Pharmaceutical Affairs Mobilization


近年來重大災害事件規模及頻率與日俱增,當災害發生時完善的藥物調度能有效減少民眾傷亡,有鑒於此,衛生福利部食品藥物管理署(以下簡稱食藥署)結合雲端倉儲及資訊化之概念建置「災害防救醫療物資調度支援系統(Medical Resource Dispatch and Support System for Emergency Response, MRDSS)」,MRDSS除能對藥物進行緊急調度外,亦能管理掌握全國藥政動員醫院戰備藥物儲備量能資訊,俾利災害發生時盡速提供傷患治療所需之醫療物資,本研究以結構式專家訪談法及數值資料蒐集方式進行分析,以比較於系統化前後差異,進而了解資訊系統化對藥政動員的影響。在訪談研究方面至少80%的受調查者對系統化後調度所需時間、人力、調度成功件數、對物資掌握程度及對系統滿意度採取正向態度,在電話及整體調度物資所需時間,於系統化後各描述性參數包括最大值、最小值、中位數、平均數均呈現下降,四分位距、全距及標準差亦下降,顯示時間分布趨於集中。在數值資料蒐集研究方面,系統化使地方政府衛生局提報戰備藥物儲備量所需時間由37.48日顯著降至28.07日,逾期率由42.2%顯著降至2.3%;藥政動員醫院之儲備量不合格率由1.4%顯著降至0.3%;食藥署掌握戰備藥物品項之許可證字號數量無明顯差異,但彙整許可證字號清單所需時間由237日降至27日,綜上所述,MRDSS所具有的功能不但能滿足絕大部分使用者之需求,亦能顯著提升辦理藥政動員業務之行政效率。


The scale and frequency of major disaster events have been increasing in recent years. When disaster occurring, an appropriate medicine dispatch can reduce the number of casualties. In the light of this, Food and Drug administration (TFDA) built "Medical Resource Dispatch and Support System for Emergency Response" (MRDSS) by combining with the concept of cloud storage and information system. MRDSS not only dispatch emergency medicine to provide medical supplies for the treatments of injuries but also manage the war preparedness medicine safety stock of Pharmaceutical Affairs Mobilization hospitals. This study was conducted by structured expert interview and numerical data collection. In order to understand the effect of information systematization on Pharmaceutical Affairs Mobilization, we compared the differences between before and after of information systematization. In structured expert interview, at least 80% of the respondents took a positive attitude on dispatch medicine time required, manpower, and number of dispatch successes, medical resources control and satisfaction after systematization. After Systematization, the descriptive parameters of telephone or the overall time required for the dispatch of medicine both decreased including maximum, minimum, median and average value. The quartile, range and standard deviation decrease also show that the time distribution tends to centralize. In numerical data collection research, the time required for local government health bureau to report the war preparedness medicine safety stock and was significantly decreased from 37.48 days to 28.07 days and the overdue rate of report preparedness medicine safety stock was significantly decreased from 42.2% to 2.3% after systematization. The defective rate of the war preparedness medicine safety stock on Pharmaceutical Affairs Mobilization hospitals was also significantly decreased from 1.4% to 0.3%. There is no significant difference in the number of the war preparedness medicine licenses mastered by the Food and Drug Administration, but the time required to compile the list of licenses decreased from 237 days to 27 days. In summary, the functions of MRDSS not only meet the needs of the majority users, but also significantly improve the administrative efficiency of Pharmaceutical Affairs Mobilization。
