  • 期刊


Using Electronic Record System to Investigate the Service of Outpatient Drug Consultation in a Medical Center


目的:本院於2013年7月啟用「藥物諮詢紀錄系統」,方便藥師記錄諮詢服務內容。本研究希望藉由分析系統資料,瞭解門診病人藥物諮詢服務現況與系統運作功效,提升藥事服務品質。方法:本研究收集「藥物諮詢紀錄系統」正式上線後一年資料,使用Microsoft Excel統計軟體進行資料彙整與分析,並進行檢討改善。結果與討論:門診病人藥物諮詢紀錄大幅增加至3,193件,臨櫃詢問最多。常見「藥品劑型」分析:以口服藥最多,其次為外用藥。「口服藥諮詢問題」多數可由藥袋取得,其次為需特殊指導之口服藥。「外用藥諮詢問題」以器具操作指導為最大宗。經多次門診用藥安全宣導下,詢問口服藥品「藥袋說明相關問題」大幅減少。更多民眾知道詢問藥品管道與瞭解自己用藥重要性,在推動加強用藥指導後,詢問外用藥品操作問題大幅增加。「諮詢服務時間」分析,有高達九成七的諮詢問題能在10分鐘內達成。「執行用藥指導次數」分析,有高達九成七的諮詢問題能在一次用藥指導達成。「參考資料來源」以院內公告藥品資料,為諮詢服務重要資料來源。結論:藉由資訊化管理系統可完整記錄門診病人藥物諮詢紀錄資料,並可探討民眾常見用藥問題,規劃為門診用藥安全講座主題。亦能發展成藥師訓練教材,提升諮詢服務品質。


Objective: The Electronic drug consultation record (EDCR) system was established by Pharmacy department in July 2013 for the purpose of completely recording drugrelated problems. In order to improve the quality of outpatient pharmaceutical service and evaluate EDCR function by monitoring clinical practicing situations, the data of EDCR was analyzed. Methods: We collected consultation records between July 2013 and June 2014. Statistical analysis was conducted using Microsoft Excel. Results and discussion: In this retrospective study, a significant increase of consultation records from 300/year in 2013 to 3,193/year in 2014 were included. The objects of consultation mostly were patients asked at the drug consultation counter of the OPD. The types of consulted drugs were mostly oral and topical medications. Among the contents of oral medical consultation, most can be found on medication packaging, or by direct-to-patient education. Among the contents of topical medical consultation, usage was the most frequently asked including the usage of Nasonex. The duration of the consultation service was mostly done in 10 minutes and patient education mostly was finished in once. Our hospital resources were the most important and convenient reference sources for drug consultations. Conclusions: By analyzing data from EDCR, pharmacists can easily review the content of drug consultation and gain the patient frequently asked questions (PFAQ). We can go even further to make a comprehensive program of drug safety seminars and direct-to-patient education teaching materials. Constantly review and evaluation can lead to continuous improvement in both quality of drug consultation service and patient safety.
