  • 期刊


Design and Research of Integrated Information and Communication Management Platform In National Taiwan University Hospital


資訊傳遞是醫療作業流程中關鍵的環節之一,醫療行為過程若缺乏有效即時的資訊溝通,恐會影響醫療行為的順暢度和照護品質,造成病人抱怨並增加醫療疏失發生的風險。故促進醫療資訊傳遞與溝通之正確、即時與有效性,除了可簡化醫護工作流程和人工作業時間以提升照護品質外,完整的資訊和通訊架構也是發展智慧醫院的重要基礎建設。台大醫院近年來一直致力於智慧醫院相關資訊科技的發展,但是通訊技術方面仍使用傳統的類比電話線路,無法因應未來發展應用,面對未來導入智慧就診、機器人客服、智慧載具、遠距醫療等資通訊應用,將因資通訊無法有效整合而面臨發展瓶頸。故台大醫院將著手進行規劃,提出結合醫療產業的資訊與通訊之ICT整合管理平台,以創新醫療照護溝通模式概念,整合醫療實務經驗及科技運用,建立醫病溝通新平台,讓醫療人員能為病人提供更好的服務。本文將探究台大醫院資通訊系統整合平台之規劃建置,規劃分三階段逐步進行實現,初期將傳統的通訊PBX系統汰換為網路電話交換機(IP PBX)系統,除了可提升員工使用通訊系統便利及增進IP PBX之語音、視訊通話、文字聊天與多媒體分享之功能廣度外,更可作為未來整合資通訊系統之基礎架構。將資通訊技術整合完成後,第二階段再依據資通產品的成熟度,規劃導入智慧就診、SIP護理呼叫鈴結合專責護理師系統、特殊儀器或人員之定位管理追蹤、機器人客服、智慧載具、遠距醫療及各種物聯網(IoT)的應用,將資訊與通訊息整合應用,以提升醫療訊息傳遞之即時性、正確性、專責處理,並達成醫療作業流程中訊息傳遞之自動化及資訊化,完成之後除可減少人工作業疏失外,另可有效節省人力資源,避免醫護人員過往常花費時間尋找儀器、於病房間來回往返及撥接電話聯繫等時間,可將時間留用在照顧病人上,更能提升醫療照護品質,最後第三階段則規劃逐步導入各項物聯網與人工智慧相關應用服務,以擴充與強化ICT整合平台。因此資通訊整合平台之建置可為醫院將來的資通訊發展規劃出較明確的方向,期能為智慧醫院及將來各種的資通訊應用建立良好之基礎,達到便利員工、提升效率及嘉惠病人之目的。


Effective information transmission is one of the keys for the medical operation process of smart hospitals. If the medical operation process lacks effective timely information communication, it could affect the smoothness and the quality of medical treatment, incur patients to complain, and increase the risk of medical negligence. To provide the reliable, timely, and effective medical information transmission and communication and to simplify the health care workflow for saving manual operation time as well as effort, the efficient information and communication platform is essential and important for smart hospitals. National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) has dedicate to the development of information technology of smart hospitals in recent years, but the use of traditional analog telephone lines in NTUH communication system has become a bottleneck and is not able to effectively integrate voice, video streaming, and text communications for smart-hospital applications such as intelligent clinics, medical robotic service, intelligent medical cart, distance medical service and so on. To make a smart hospital a reality, in this work, we identify the reality and discuss how to cope with difficulties when we construct a next-generation medical information system for National Taiwan University Hospital. Our idea is to consider the concept of integrated Information and communication (ICT) technology as well as innovative medical care communication model and integrate medical practice experience and technology application for establishing our new platform, which is realized by three phases. First, the traditional communication PBX system is replaced by an Internet telephony exchange (IP PBX) system, which could not only improve the convenience of employees using this communication system but also serve a wide range of applications including voice, video call, text chat, multimedia sharing and so on. Next, we investigate the maturity of the current market products and explain how to integrate current smart medical services, including SIP-based nursing system, medical positioning and tracking service, robot-assisted service, telemedicine service, as well as smart medical cart, into our next-generation medical information system. With such ICT-based medical information system integrating with current smart medical services could not only save the time and effort of the medical staffs (i.e., to improve the efficiency of the medical process) but also make the medical staffs be able to spend more time on patient for enhancing the quality of the medical care. At the third stage, we discuss how to build a smart hospital over our next-generation ICT-based medical information system by leveraging the power of medical-related IoT equipment and artificial-intelligence-based medical solutions. Note that since our system is able to provide high availability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness for medical operation process, we believe that this ICT-based medical information system could benefit both the patient and the medical staffs; so, it has established a better foundation for enabling NTUH to become a smart hospital in the near future.
