  • 期刊


Conservation Values and Ethics




Conservation biology is driven by the value of biodiversity. But why should people value biodiversity? Philosophers have distinguished two basic types of value, instrumental and intrinsic. Biodiversity is instrumentally valuable for the goods (e.g., actual and potential food, medicine, fiber, and fuel), services (e.g., pollination, nutrient recycling, oxygen production), information (e.g., practical scientific knowledge, a genetic library), and psycho-spiritual satisfaction (e.g., natural beauty, religious awe, pure scientific knowledge) that it provides for intrinsically valuable human beings. Biodiversity may also be intrinsically valuable-valuable, that is, as an end in itself, as well as well-being. Like ourselves, other forms of life are self-organizing beings with goods of their own. And we human beings are capable of valuing other beings for their own sakes, as well as for what they do for us.In order to compare its value with the value of other things, economists have attempted to monetize both the instrumental and intrinsic value of biodiversity. Philosophers have also based conservation ethics on the value of biodiversity. If biodiversity is only instrumentally valuable to human beings, its destruction by one person in pursuit of personal gain may be harmful to another person-in which case the destruction of biodiversity may be immoral. If biodiversity also has intrinsic value, its destruction may be doubly immoral.The Bible recognizes the intrinsic value of nonhuman species (God declared them to be ”good”). Accordingly, contemporary Jewish and Christian theologians have formulated a Judeo-Christian Stewardship Conservation Ethics. Many other world religions are also developing distinct conservation ethics based on their scriptures and traditions. The Aldo Leopold Land Ethic is not based on any religion, but on contemporary evolutionary and ecological biology. From an evolutionary perspective, human beings kin to all other forms of life, and from an ecological perspective, human beings are ”plain members and citizens” of the ”biotic community.” According to Leopold, these general scientific facts generate ethical obligations to our ”fellow voyagers in the odyssey of evolutions,” to ”fellow-members of the biotic community,” and so that ”community as such.” Though ecology now acknowledges the normalcy of change and disturbance in nature, the Leopold Land Ethic, appropriately revised in the light of these recent developments in science, remains the guiding environmental ethic for conservation biology.


Aiken, W,T. Regan(1984).Earthbound: New Introductory Essays in Environmental Ethics.New York:Random House.
Ames, R. T. ,L. Becker(1992).Encyclopedia of Ethics.New York:Garland Press.
Bishop, R. C(1978).Endangered species and uncertainty: The economics of a safe minimum standard.(Am. J. Agric. Econ).
Botkin, D. B(1990).Discordant Harmonies: A New Ecology for the Twenty-First Century.New York:Oxford University Press.
Brubaker, L. B. ,J. K. Agee,D.R. Johnson(1988).Ecosystem Management for Parks and Wilderness.Seattle:University of Washington Press.


Chang, Y. (2009). 自然、性別、風險:瑪格麗特.愛特伍,琳達.霍根,山下.凱倫 [doctoral dissertation, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2009.00473

