  • 期刊


Tang Chun-I's Reflection on Liberalism and Democracy and the Communitarian Characteristics in Tang's Politcal Philosophy


眾所周知,當代港台新儒家基本上肯定民主與自由,譬如牟宗三提倡所謂「新外王」,就是要開出民主與科學;但當代新儒家並非盲目的接受西方民主自由;本文目標在呈現唐君毅先生對西方自由主義民主觀的反省與批判,並指出其立論頗有社群主義色彩。析而言之,本文目標有三,其一,以唐君毅先生觀點為主,說明他對民主自由觀的批判;其次,分析其所以然的深層立論基礎,並提出唐君毅映現的儒學五維關係性自我(Confucian five dimensions of a relational self),其三,嘗試說明唐先生的民主論述在一定程度反映了社群主義的色彩。當然本文無意論證儒家思想就是社群主義,也並非主張新儒家就只有社群主義色彩,本文只是要說明新儒家在包含其他思想特色之同時,也呈現部分社群主義的色彩。


Contemporary Neo-Confucianism basically asserts the importance of democracy and liberty. However, it does not accept these ideas without reservation. This article intends to demonstrate Tang Chun-I's reflection and critiques of the concept and practices of democracy and liberty and seeks to argue to the extent that, contrary to the mainstream interpretation, Tang's political philosophy reflects a strong communitarian characteristic. Compared to the ”atomic self” commonly presupposed in the individualistic tradition of liberalism, Tang's philosophy asserts a relational self which manifests in five dimensions.


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