  • 期刊


From Comparing Mou Zongsan and Li Hwaseo's Interpretations of ZhuXi's remarks on MingDe to See the Values of "Xinseol Debate"




The purpose of this paper is to show the significance of "Xinseol Debate" in the later part of the Joseon Dynasty by comparing the interpretations of Mou Zongsan and Li Hwaseo on ZhuXi's remarks in MingDe (明德). Both Mou and Li believe that in order to understand ZhuXi's "MingDe", it needs to be based on Li's (理) approach, and should be related to Xin (心) (Ming DeJuLi,明德主理). On the surface their understandings are similar. However, in the final assessment, Mou believes that ZhuXi's philosophy is somewhat different from the "authentic Confucianism", which is based from Mencius's philosophy. (別子為宗). "This is quite different from the scholars of the Joseon Dynasty who regarded ZhuXi as the most authentic and mainstream of Confucianism." The reason for these two different evaluations is because they have different understandings of ZhuXi's concept of Xin. Mou believes the concept of the Xin prescribed by ZhuXi is only the function of cognition and perception. Although the concept of MingDe is "Li", and has to be related to the concept of Xin, this association must be acquired and is an external one. However, Li believes that the meaning of Xin is a "combination of Li and Qi". Although the content of "MingDe" is Li, it is included in the Xin. In light of this, although Li also said that the concept of MingDe is "Li", and has to be related to the concept of Xin, this association is an innate and intrinsic one. This different understanding of the Xin is the key point that causes the two to completely run counter to the evaluation of ZhuXi. How to properly understand the knowledge of ZhuXi, there are still many discussions. I think the Korean Confucianism can provide a different perspective for the contemporary school of ZhuXi, and enrich its discussion. Li, as one of the representatives of the "Xinseol Debate" in the late Joseon Dynasty, put forward an important proposition: "MingDe is Li, and should be related to Xin, but is "inside the Xin"" (Li's MingDeJuLi 華西的明德主理). By focusing on the two different interpretations of ZhuXi's MingDe by Mou and Li, we can present the rich content of ZhuXi. In addition, we can also see how the "Xinseol Debate" can provide additional stimulus for the contemporary Confucianism.


