  • 期刊


The Relationship between Root and Branch, Substance and Function about Zhu Xi's Concept of Classics and History




The distinction of root and branch, substance and function exists in Zhu Xi's concept of classics and history. Zhu Xi thought classics as root and substance, and history as branch and function is the traditional point of the community of the studies. But we can find that not only history books but also the six classics attracted Zhu Xi's less attention when these books compared with the "Four Books". The six classics are belong to the field of root and function philosophy, but Zhu Xi often criticized them. This situation is really paradoxical. This type of Zhu Xi's concept of classics and history is based on a two-level philosophy of root and branch, substance and function which is involved with the relationship between the six classics, the "Four Books" and history books. The topic will be approached from Zhu Xi's "root and substance philosophy", and demonstrating the two-level relationship of root and branch, substance and function in Zhu Xi's concept of classics and history.


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李幸玲:〈略論先秦兩漢的「本末」觀〉,《中國學術年刊》第 20期(1993年 3 月),頁 173-212。
