  • 期刊


A Study on Curriculum Design of Dance Appreciation in General Education


本研究在探討通識教育中「舞蹈欣賞」之課程設計,由於每個人的審美標準並不一定相同,再加上對於舞蹈的基本認知有所差異,我們可以藉由課程的安排與設計,啟發學生的藝術欣賞能力。本研究以文獻探討的方式,並輔以研究者授課實務經驗,研究歸納出「舞蹈欣賞」課程設計之原則有四: (一)課程應包含舞蹈基本知識的原則。 (二)理論與實際並重的原則。 (三)考量時代趨勢的原則。 (四)學習者為中心的原則。 「舞蹈欣賞」課程之建議如下: (一)教學內容方面:運用主題式的藝術教學,打破傳統課程限制,使各種知識、能力學習易於整合運用。 (二)教學方法方面:以學生為中心,教師是引導者,引導學生主動參與學習,透過多元的舞蹈教學活動(例如資料蒐集、相互動作觀察、分組討論,賽作欣賞等),協助學生獲得完整的知識與經驗。 (三)課程設計方面:共有七大步驟: Step1:確認學習者文化背景、教學理念 →Step2:訂出舞蹈欣賞教學主題“教學目標 →Step3:考慮學生的學習方式與動機 →Step4:訂出每個舞蹈欣賞主題的教學方式、教學內容 →Step5:考量學生多面向的智能啟發 →Step6:檢測學生學習成效 →Step7:教師課程執行後之檢討與反省。


This study is concerned about the Curriculum Design of Dance Appreciation in General Education. For each individuals aesthetic criterion, as well as the basic knowledge of Dance, is different from that of others. We could enlighten students’ mind to art appreciation by the design and arrangement of the curriculum. By means of the researchers’ experiences and the literature review on the subject, the curriculum designs on “Dance Appreciation” are generalized into four fundamentals: 1. Intercommunity, basis and common knowledge of Dance must be in the curriculum. 2. Both theory and practice are emphasized. 3. Trend is taken into consideration. 4. Learners are the focus of the design. Suggestions for the curriculum of Dance Appreciation are as follows: 1. In teaching content: Employing the thematic teaching method, breaking the restrictions of traditional curricula, to integrate different area of knowledge and intellectual learning. 2. In teaching method: Focusing on students. Teachers play the roles of conductors, guiding students to initiatively participate in learning and assisting them to acquire adequate knowledge and experience through the diversity of dance teaching activities. (Such as data collection, observation, discussion, dance viewing etc.) 3. In curriculum design: (7 steps in total) Step 1: Have a thorough knowledge of cultural background of the learners and the ideas of teaching. Step 2: Set up the teaching topic and goal toward Dance Appreciation curriculum. Step 3: Take students’ learning methods and motivations into account, Step 4: Set up the teaching method and content for each topic of Dance Appreciation curriculum. Step 5: Take students’ diversity of intellectual enlightenment into consideration. Step 6: Test the result toward students’ learning. Step 7: Teachers reflect after the curriculum conduction.


