

本文試著補充葉美利教授(2000a-b, 2003)對賽夏語重疊詞的研究,並重新檢視葉美利教授的分析以及提供更加豐富的語料和新的重疊、形式及語意。重疊形式有三類,分別為Ca-重疊、部分重疊以及全部重疊。部分重疊包含CV-,CVC-,CVV-以及-CV-,然而這些部分重疊形式的語意功能並沒有明顯的區分。本文亦特別探討疊形式與特定詞綴的互動關係,以及同義不同音詞的呈現。最後本文提出在賽夏語中,缺乏如何判定音韻重疊單位及其對應之語意功用的準則問題。


The present paper aims at complementing Yeh's (2000a-b, 2003) earlier studies on reduplication in Saisiyat by (i) providing a reassessment of her analyses, (ii) making data available in a more exhaustive manner and (iii) reporting new patterns and meanings. Three patterns of reduplication are examined, Ca-reduplication, partial reduplication-which further includes the following subpatterns: CV-, CVC-, CVV- and -CV-reduplication with overlaps in their semantic functions-and full reduplication. Other issues are also touched on, in particular, the reduplication of certain affixes, and the occurrence of doublet forms. Residual problems regarding the absence of criterion to account for the mapping between a prosodic copying unit and the semantic meaning associated with it are also discussed.


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