  • 期刊


Determined the Semantic Development and Internal Criticism of "Stingy" in Shih-Shuo Hsin-Yu




Shih-Shuo Hsin-Yu classified the contents and opened many new words. In this paper, we first trace the use of "Thrifty" and "Moderation" before Shih-Shuo in classical works from Language Perspective, clarifying of the language context. And then we discuss the development of "language vision" in "Shih-Shuo" and its re-development of semantics, which would open new values for "Different Understanding". The commentators and narrators attempted to be the omniscience, making supplements or criticisms of historical materials and outlined the unexplained and possible new interpretation space in "Shih-Shuo". The following context will be discussed. First, the "Thrifty and Moderation" in Language Perspective. In this part, we would discuss the change for the meaning of the word "Thrifty and Moderation" in the language perspective. Second, explore the development and opening new horizons of the "Thrifty and Moderation" from the Language Perspective. Discussing the development and opening up of the "Shih-Shuo" with the inclusion of events in "Thrifty and Moderation". The third part, reinterpretation objections for the implicit criticism of "Shih-Shuo" from commentators and narrators. We would discuss the results of interpretations by commentators and narrators in "Shih-Shuo", and the possibility that contemporary interpreters would perform the above-mentioned "vision fusion" to discuss the critique of hidden values in "Shih-Shuo".


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